A three dimensional vector. Vectors can only store finite numbers in the range Number.MIN_VALUE to Number.MAX_VALUE.


  • Creates a new instance of a vec3.


    • x: number
    • y: number
    • z: number

    Returns vec3


b: number

Alternate name for the z component.

g: number

Alternate name for the y component.

length: number

Returns the length of the vector.

lengthSquared: number

Returns the squared length of the vector.

r: number

Alternate name for the x component.

x: number

x component of the vec3.

y: number

y component of the vec3.

z: number

z component of the vec3.


  • Returns the vector plus vec.


    Returns vec3

  • Returns the angle in radians between the vector and vec.


    Returns number

  • Returns a copy of the vector with its length clamped to length.


    • length: number

    Returns vec3

  • Returns the cross product of the vector and vec


    Returns vec3

  • Returns the distance between the vector and the vector vec.


    Returns number

  • Like distance(), but returns the squared distance between vectors.


    Returns number

  • Returns the division of the vector by the vector vec.


    Returns vec3

  • Returns the dot product of the vector and vec.


    Returns number

  • Returns whether this is equal to vec.


    Returns boolean

  • Returns a copy of the vector moved towards the point point by the amount magnitude.


    • point: vec3
    • magnitude: number

    Returns vec3

  • Returns the component-wise multiplication product of the vector and vec.


    Returns vec3

  • Returns a copy of the vector with its length scaled to 1.

    Returns vec3

  • Returns a copy of the vector projected onto the vector vec.


    Returns vec3

  • Projects the vector onto the plane represented by the normal normal.


    Returns vec3

  • Returns a copy of the vector reflected across the plane defined by the normal vec.


    Returns vec3

  • Returns a copy of the vector rotated towards the target vector by step radians.

    The vectors may be non-normalized. The function always returns a vector with the source vector's magnitude. This prevents overshoot. If step exceeds the angle between vectors, it stops at the target direction. If step is negative, this rotates the source vector away from target. It stops when the direction is precisely opposite to target. If the vectors are in opposite directions, the result is rotated along an arbitrary (but consistent) axis. If either vector is zero magnitude, it returns the source vector.


    • target: vec3
    • step: number

    Returns vec3

  • Returns the component-wise multiplication product of the vector and vec.


    Returns vec3

  • Returns the vector minus vec.


    Returns vec3

  • Returns a string representation of the vector.

    Returns string

  • Multiplies the components by the number scale.


    • scale: number

    Returns vec3