
Access to a Depth Stencil Render Target that can output depth and stencil values from a Camera in Depth24/Stencil8 format.

interface DepthStencilRenderTargetProvider {
    clearDepthValue: number;
    clearStencilValue: number;
    depthClearOption: DepthClearOption;
    inputTexture: Texture;
    maskTexture: Texture;
    resolution: vec2;
    stencilClearOption: StencilClearOption;
    getAspect(): number;
    getHeight(): number;
    getLoadStatus(): LoadStatus;
    getTypeName(): string;
    getWidth(): number;
    isOfType(type: string): boolean;
    isSame(other: ScriptObject): boolean;

Hierarchy (view full)


clearDepthValue: number

Float value in range [0.0..1.0] used in depth buffer clear operation in "CustomValue" mode. The initial value is 1.0.

clearStencilValue: number

Unsigned int value in range [0..0xFF] used in stencil buffer clear operation in "CustomValue" mode. The initial value is 0.

depthClearOption: DepthClearOption

Depth buffer clear option. "None" - depth buffer clear operation will be skipped. "CustomValue" - depth buffer will be cleared by "clearDepthValue" property value. "CustomTexture" - depth buffer will be cleared by texture from "inputTexture" property, if "inputTexture" is null then depth clear option will fallback to "CustomValue" mode.

inputTexture: Texture

Texture with Depth24_Stencil8 format. Depth24 part used in depth clear operation in "CustomTexture" mode.

maskTexture: Texture

Texture with Depth24_Stencil8 format. Stencil8 part used in stencil clear operation in "CustomTexture" mode.

resolution: vec2

Custom render target resolution, this property will use if the "outputResolution" property is a "Custom".

stencilClearOption: StencilClearOption

Stencil buffer clear option. "None" - stencil buffer clear operation will be skipped. "CustomValue" - stencil buffer will be cleared by "clearStencilValue" property value. "CustomTexture" - stencil buffer will be cleared by texture from "maskTexture" property, if "maskTexture" is null then the stencil clear option will fallback to "CustomValue" mode.


  • Returns the texture's aspect ratio, which is calculated as width / height.

    Returns number

  • Returns the width of the texture in pixels.

    Returns number

  • Returns true if the object matches or derives from the passed in type.


    • type: string

    Returns boolean

  • Returns true if this object is the same as other. Useful for checking if two references point to the same thing.


    Returns boolean