
Mesh provider for a Face Mesh. Accessible through the control property on a Face Mesh RenderMesh.

// @input Asset.RenderMesh faceMesh

var mouthCloseWeight = script.faceMesh.control.getExpressionWeightByName(Expressions.MouthClose);
interface FaceRenderObjectProvider {
    earGeometryEnabled: boolean;
    eyeCornerGeometryEnabled: boolean;
    eyeGeometryEnabled: boolean;
    faceGeometryEnabled: boolean;
    faceIndex: number;
    mouthGeometryEnabled: boolean;
    skullGeometryEnabled: boolean;
    getExpressionNames(): string[];
    getExpressionWeightByName(expressionName: string): number;
    getExpressionWeights(): Float32Array;
    getLoadStatus(): LoadStatus;
    getTypeName(): string;
    isOfType(type: string): boolean;
    isSame(other: ScriptObject): boolean;

Hierarchy (view full)


earGeometryEnabled: boolean

When true, ears will be included in the Face Mesh geometry.

eyeCornerGeometryEnabled: boolean

When true, a small area in the corners of the eyes will be included in the Face Mesh geometry.

eyeGeometryEnabled: boolean

When true, eyes will be included in the Face Mesh geometry.

faceGeometryEnabled: boolean

When true, the general face (not including eyes and mouth) will be included in the Face Mesh geometry.

faceIndex: number

Index of the face this FaceRenderObjectProvider mirrors.

mouthGeometryEnabled: boolean

When true, the mouth will be included in the Face Mesh geometry.

skullGeometryEnabled: boolean

When true, the skull will be included in the Face Mesh geometry.


  • Returns a list of all expression names being tracked.

    Returns string[]

  • Returns the weight of the expression with the passed in name. See Expressions for valid expression names.


    • expressionName: string

    Returns number

  • Returns a Float32Array of all expression weights being tracked.

    Returns Float32Array

  • Returns true if the object matches or derives from the passed in type.


    • type: string

    Returns boolean

  • Returns true if this object is the same as other. Useful for checking if two references point to the same thing.


    Returns boolean