Provides ability to handle remote API requests that originate within lenses. Lifecycle of a RemoteApiService is scoped to a lifecycle of a single lens. To provide RemoteApiService instances, register a RemoteApiService.Factory via the Builder.remoteApiServiceFactory method.
Represents all the possible outcomes when RemoteApiService processes a Request.
Provides ability to attach utility functions to the RemoteApiService interface on implementation side.
Creates instances of RemoteApiService scoped to a lifecycle of a single lens.
Convenience implementation of RemoteApiService which ignores all requests.
Defines the data model for a response to a request sent by a lens.
Closes all resources allocated for this RemoteApiService. Overridden to indicate that calling close will not throw.
Attempts to process the request with one or multiple Responses sent back to the provided onResponse. The returned Call indicates how this RemoteApiService handled the request so that callers can act accordingly: