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Version: 4.55.1

Persistent Cloud Storage Overview

Persistent Cloud Storage allows you to store data in the cloud, such that it can persist across account logins, as well as be shared in a multiplayer session. It’s a great way to maintain the state of a Lens for a user. Each user has one Persistent Cloud Storage (Cloud Store) for each Lens.

Persistent Cloud Storage is a part of Lens Cloud, a collection of backend services, built on the same infrastructure that powers Snapchat.

To learn more about Lens Cloud and how to power a new generation of AR experiences that are more dynamic, useful, and interactive than ever before, please visit Lens Cloud Overview

If you’ve used the store related method in MultiplayerSession, you can think of using Persistent Cloud Storage very similarly. Alternatively, you can think of Persistent Cloud Storage as PersistentStorageSystem, except it’s backed by the cloud rather than on device.

Creating a Persistent Cloud Storage

A user can access their Persistent Cloud Storage through the CloudStorage module. Each call to get the cloud store will return the same instance of a Cloud Store.

// @input Asset.CloudStorageModule cloudStorageModule

You can create a CloudStorageModule in the Resources panel > +, then attach it to it to the scene object containing your script in the Inspector panel.

When getting a CloudStore, the user passes in a CloudStorageOptions. One of the settings that can be passed in is whether this CloudStore is shared with a Session. It is possible to getCloudStore multiple times. However, every time you call it, regardless of the options passed in, the same instance is returned.

const cloudStorageOptions = CloudStorageOptions.create();
function onCloudStoreReady(store) {
print('CloudStore created'); = store;

The session property of a CloudStore is immutable once it is set. Practically speaking: if you want a multiplayer CloudStore, you need to create the CloudStore after you have received a MultiplayerSession.

When adding data to the CloudStore, you will pass in additional options that describe the permission of the data. For example: who can read, write, or list the data. These permissions can be scoped to: User: accessible only to the current user. Session: accessible to any user in the same MultiplayerSession.

const writeOptions = CloudStorageWriteOptions.create();
writeOptions.scope = StorageScope.User;

const key = 'myKey';
const value =;
function onSuccess() {
print('stored successfully');
function onError(code, message) {
print('Error: ' + code + ' ' + message);

As noted in the code above, it wouldn’t make sense to share a CloudStore that doesn’t have a MultiplayerSession attached, as only one user has access to the store. Thus, you won’t be able to.

Spatial Persistent Cloud Storage

Spatial Persistent Cloud Storage is build on top of Persistent Cloud Storage which allows user to store/pin content against any location asset (Snap provided, custom or world). It is very much similar to cloud storage as it allow us to store information against a location asset in a privacy centric way.

A user can access their Spatial Persistent Cloud Storage through the LocationCloudStorage module. Depending upon type of location asset, one or more cloud storage instances would be returned. For world location asset, depending upon the user location, we will return the closest location cloud store.

As user moves through in the world, LocationCloudStorage module will fire events that return the nearest cloud store and related location asset to the user. Developers are expected to add the locationAsset to a locatedAtComponent. This locatedAt component will position its SceneObject at exact position of the cloud store.

Therefore, if users want to persist content near this cloud store, it is recommended they add their content as a child of the locatedAtComponent’s SceneObject then store details about the content along with the offset from the locatedAtComponent.

This way, the next time a user discovers this store, all the values for the store can be listed and the content recreated then position using the stored offset from the cloud store.

You can create a Location Cloud Storage Module in the Resources panel → +, then attach it to it to the scene object containing your script in the Inspector panel.

const locationcloudStorageOptions = LocationCloudStorageOptions.create();
options.location = locationAsset; //could be world, custom or snap.

function handleOnDiscoveredNearbyTo(locationAsset, locationCloudStore) {
// associate the locationAsset to a locatedAtComponent
var locationStoreSceneObject =
var locatedAtComponent =
locatedAtComponent.location = locationAsset;

// persist content
function onSuccess() {
print('stored successfully');
function onError(code, message) {
print('Error: ' + code + ' ' + message);

function handleOnError(locationAsset, code, description) {
print('code:' + code + ' description:' + description);


Currently, Spatial Persistence Cloud Storage does not support multiplayer sessions. We only support user scope for Spatial Persistent Cloud Storage.


When using Persistent Cloud Storage, some APIs will be restricted in order to protect the user’s privacy, similar to Connected Lenses. See the "Restrictions" section from "Connected Lenses Overview" for a complete list of disabled APIs.


Try making your first Peristent Cloud Storage Lenses with these two examples.

  1. Single Player Example
  2. Multiplayer Example using ConnectedLensModule
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