Crop Texture
Depending on the data used to train a model you might need to feed a specific region of the input texture to your model.
For example, you might want to only pass in a texture which is a center cut of a screen, an area around the human’s face, or a rectangle around the hand.
Crop Textures
There are two types of crop textures that you can use: Screen Crop and Face Crop.
Screen Crop Texture
Allows you to get a crop a rectangle from the input texture.
You can create Screen Crop Texture via clicking “+”
Button on the Resources
panel and selecting Screen Crop Texture
Click on the newly created texture on Resources panel to see it’s properties:
- Input Texture: The original texture to crop from. By default it is initialized with Device Camera Texture.
The region to crop is represented by :
- Cropping Left, Right, Top, Bottom: Anchors of a crop rectangle in the input Texture local space. (Where rect with anchors (-1, 1, -1, 1 ) means that whole input texture is taken)
- Rotation: The rotation of a crop rectangle
You can modify these parameters via script, see RectCropTextureProvider in API documentation.
Face Crop Texture
Allows you to get a crop of a texture around the face.
You can create FaceCropTexture via clicking “+”
Button on the Resources
panel and selecting Face Crop Texture
Click on the newly created texture on Resources panel to see it’s properties:
- Input Texture: the original texture to crop from. By default initialized with Device Camera Texture.
- Scale: the UV Scale of the face texture. You can decrease these values to zoom in on the face and increase these values to zoom out.
- Face Index: Which face should this FaceCropTexture use for a crop. The first face in the scene is 0; the second face in the scene is 1.
- Face Center Mouth Weight: If equal to 0 - mouth is placed to default position, if equals 1 - mouth will be in the center of the cropped texture.
For more information see FaceCropProvider in the Lens Studio API documentation.
Rectangle setter
Rectangle setter is a component that can control a ScreenTransform Component of the object based on the crop rectangle of a Crop Texture.
To create a Rectangle Setter Component select Screen Image on the Object panel and in the Inspector panel, click Add Component
-> Rectangle Setter
. Then set CropTexture property to the CropTexture you want to take crop from