Class to implement Switch-like IR Transition Strategy




  • Computes an extra rotation around the X axis of Situation space based on the height of the hand point and the gaze pitch to make use of the ray in IR FoV range


    • gazePitchInDegrees: number

      gaze pitch given in degrees

    • toWorldFromSituationSpace: mat4

      situationSpace-to-world transformation

    • handPoint: vec3

      hand point used for height estimation

    Returns number

    the rotation in degrees to be applied on targeting direction around X axis

  • Computes an extra rotation around the X axis of Situation space based on the height of the hand point and the gaze pitch to make use of the ray in IR FoV range


    • gazePitchInRadians: number

      gaze pitch given in radians

    • toWorldFromSituationSpace: mat4

      situationSpace-to-world transformation

    • handPoint: vec3

      hand point used for height estimation

    Returns number

    the rotation in radians to be applied on targeting direction around X axis