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Version: 4.55.1

Importing and Updating Resources

This guide details how to import resources into your Lens Studio project and once resources are imported, how to update them with external changes. Finally, we'll cover Lens Studio's object export and import feature which allows you to share an entire object's hierarchy (including assets) between projects.

Add New Resources

In the Resources panel, the + button allows you to add new resources to your Lens Studio project. After clicking on the + button, select the From Files option to add in your own custom resources. Otherwise, select from Lens Studio's built-in resources.

Drag and Drop

For convenience, you can also drag and drop a resource from your computer into the Resources panel. It will automatically recognize the resource type and add it to your resources.

File -> Import

You can also import resources into Lens Studio by selecting File -> Import... from Lens Studio's menu bar.

Updating Resources

Update from Source

To update a resource once it has been imported, right click the resource in the Resources panel and select Update From Source. This will locate the original source file and update it to the latest version.

This will only work if the resource remains in the same locations on your computer after importing.

If you'd like to relink your resource to a different or relocated asset on your computer, right click the resource in the Resources panel and select Relink To New Source.

The Public Folder

Every Lens Studio project has a Public folder which exists inside the saved project. This Public folder contains every resource that has been imported into the project. Once imported, you are able to make changes to the assets in the public folder directly. Once a change is made, Lens Studio will automatically recognize the change and update the resources accordingly.

The public folder should not be used for adding, deleting or moving resources. Use the Resources panel for this.

Object Export and Import

Any object in the Objects panel can be exported by right clicking the object and selecting Export object. This will export the object and all of its children to an .lso file. Additionally, it will export all dependent resources.

To import an .lso file, right click in the Objects panel and select Import object. This will import the entire exported object hierarchy. Additionally, it will import all dependent resources into your Resources panel.

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