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Version: 4.55.1

Remote Assets - Overview

Remote Assets are assets that are stored in the remote storage and not bundled into the Lens. Instead, they are downloaded on demand and used as normal assets once the download succeeds.

Remote Assets are a part of Lens Cloud, a collection of backend services, built on the same infrastructure that powers Snapchat.

Video Walkthrough

In this video, you will learn how to use Remote Assets to build more performant Snapchat Lenses. We will give you an overview of how to setup an organization, how to upload Remote Assets and add Remote Assets to your Lens Studio project.

Storage Limits

There are storage limits when working with Remote Assets per Lens, per asset and per Organization for how much data can be uploaded as a remote asset:

  • A total of 25 MB for Remote Assets per Lens.
  • A remote asset can be up to 10 MB.
  • Each Organization can use up to 500 MB for Remote Asset Storage.

Remote Assets do not count towards your total Lens size for submission. Remote Assets use their own 25 MB Remote Asset storage. This allows you to create optimized Lenses that load much faster, use assets beyond the maximum Lens size, and share assets with all members of the Organization.

Project Size

Best Practices When Building Lenses With Remote Assets

When building Lenses with Remote Assets, it is recommended that you keep the following in mind in order to provide a smooth user experience.

  • Your Lens should contain an experience at the beginning that is not a Remote Asset so that your Remote Asset loads while the user experiencing the first part of the experience.
    • You should show something at the start of the Lens by using the Lens Archive while the Remote Asset loads.
  • If your Remote Asset is heavy and your experience doesn’t require everything all at once, it is recommended to download and fetch an asset one by one. If you have lots of different assets, you should break them out into separate experiences within the Lens as much as possible.
  • You should show a loading icon or feedback icon in the Lens while the Remote Asset is downloading so that your user knows that something is about to happen, before they swipe off of the Lens too quickly.
  • Using Remote Assets that are shared between Lenses will optimize performance. This means that several Lenses can use the same asset, because they are already downloaded.

Uploading Remote Assets

You must refer to the Best Practices in this document when building Sponsored Lenses with Remote Assets.

In order to create a Remote Asset:

  1. Navigate to the Resource panel in Lens Studio.
  2. Right-click on any supported asset type in the Resources panel.
  3. Select Upload to Remote Assets.

When you upload your first asset, you will need to link your Lens Studio project to an Organization.

If you do not have an existing Organization, you will be prompted to create one.

Upload Remote Assets

After selecting an Organization, your asset will upload to the Organization. Once uploaded, a RemoteReferenceAsset will automatically import into your project and appear in your Resources Panel.

Reference Assets

You can upload multiple assets at once by clicking the Upload Asset button in the Remote Assets panel and selecting multiple resources by holding Shift button and then clicking Ok

Importing Asset References

You can open the Remote Assets panel via the Remote Assets button at the bottom of the Resources panel. The Remote Assets panel allows you to see all available assets within the Organization or multiple Organizations, upload new assets as well as import and delete existing ones.

To import an existing remote asset to your Lens Studio project, You can select one or multiple assets in the Remote Assets panel and click Import.

Import Assets

One Lens Studio Project may only use Remote Assets that belong to one Organization. The Organization for the project will be set to the one that the first imported asset belongs to.

To switch to another Organization, you will need to remove all the asset references that don't belong to it, and then import assets from the new Organization.

Downloading And Using Remote Assets

Once you’ve imported asset from the Remote Assets panel, a corresponding RemoteReferenceAsset asset will be created in the Resources panel:

Remote References

You can select the RemoteReferenceAsset resource to view its name and Organization it belongs to in the Inspector Panel:

Remote Reference Inspector

RemoteReferenceAsset are not an asset itself but a reference (link or address) of the actual asset and can not be used in a project directly. The actual Remote Asset has to be downloaded from the storage using the downloadAsset function of RemoteReferenceAsset.

downloadAsset(function(Asset asset) onDownloaded, function onFailed) : void

The function accepts two callbacks:

  • onDownloaded(asset) where asset argument is an actual asset that can be used normally depending on its type
  • onFailed in case something went wrong.

Below is a code example of how to download the asset:

//@input Asset.RemoteReferenceAsset myRemoteReferenceAsset
/** @type {RemoteReferenceAsset} */
var myRemoteReferenceAsset = script.myRemoteReferenceAsset;

* download remote asset from its reference
function downloadAsset() {
myRemoteReferenceAsset.downloadAsset(onDownloaded, onFailed);
* on asset successfully downloaded
* @param {Asset} asset
function onDownloaded(asset) {
print( + ' was successfully downloaded, type is ' + asset.getTypeName()
// do something with an asset, for example:
// - instantiate ObjectPrefab
// - use Texture in Material
// - display Mesh using RenderMeshVisual Component
// - play AudioTrackAsset with Audio Component
/** on remote asset download failed */
function onFailed() {
print( + ' was not downloaded');
// use fallback asset or notify user that something went wrong

Below are some best practices to keep in mind when downloading remote assets to a Lens:

  • Download assets only when needed, avoid downloading them upfront
  • Provide an indication of loading in the Lens so that people using your Lens are not confused while waiting
  • Provide a backup asset / scenario in case the download fails.

Deleting Remote Assets

To delete a RemoteReferenceAsset from the project, Delete the resource file from the Resources panel.

To delete an Asset from the Remote Asset Storage:

  1. Left-click on one or more assets in the Remote Assets panel.
  2. Right-click and select Delete From Storage.

Delete Remote Asset

Be careful with deleting assets that are used in multiple projects and Lenses.

Once the referenced remote asset has been deleted in the Remote Assets storage, its RemoteReferenceAsset asset will show a warning that the reference can not be located.

Broken Reference

Supported Asset Types

These types of assets can be uploaded to Remote Asset storage directly:

More Asset types and different Components can be uploaded as a part of the ObjectPrefab, except for the following;

Unsupported Assets

Unsupported Components

Organizations and Remote Assets

You will need to log in into My Lenses in order to work with Remote Assets.


Remote Assets requires your project to be linked up to the Organization.

When you open the Remote Assets panel to upload your very first assets you will be prompted to link your project to existing Organization or create a new one.

Create Organization

In this case you will be redirected to the My Lenses website to set new Organization and a Lens Folder:

Create Organization

After you’ve successfully created an Organization and a folder feel free to go back to Lens Studio, left-click on your browser's Refresh button and upload your first remote asset.

Multiple projects can be linked to one Organization and use uploaded assets.

Multiple users that belong to one Organization may share the same Remote Assets storage. If you wish to share your Lens Studio project with someone else you will need to make them a member of your Organization in order to allow them to work with the project.

Each project can only use assets from one Organization. If you wish to change the Organization your project is linked to, you will need to delete all Remote Asset references from the previous Organization and upload and / or import assets from the new one.

To manage your Organization, visit or visit this guide.


To see an example of how to implement Remote Assets, take a look at the Preview Remote Asset and Remote Asset Cycler assets in the Asset Library.

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