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Version: 4.55.1

Body Mesh Overview

The Body Mesh feature creates a custom mesh that mimics the user’s body as a 3D mesh in real time.

Getting Started with Body Mesh

To add a Body Mesh to your Lens Studio project, first go to the Objects panel, and type Body Mesh. Then select the Full Body Mesh.

Your scene will be automatically populated with a Body Mesh scene object. In your Resources panel you’ll find a newly created Body Tracking Asset, as well as a Full Body Mesh and a default material.

TheBody Tracking Asset handles the tracking data of the body and is used by Object Tracking 3D components in the scene. The same asset can be used for multiple bodies, and can also be used for skeletal tracking. The Full Body Mesh asset is the mesh that will deform according to the tracked body.

Body Mesh Fields

Let’s select the Full Body Mesh in the Resources panel and take a look at it’s settings:

Body Index decides which tracked body the mesh will correspond to. Note that it should match the index on the Object Tracking 3D component that contains the Body Mesh object in scene.

Enabling or disabling the Hands, Body and Head checkboxes on the Full Body Mesh asset allows you to decide what parts of the body to include in your body mesh.

Working with Body Meshes

Adding a second Body Mesh

To add another Body Mesh that can be the same or different from the one already created in the scene. We can first duplicate the Body Mesh component we have.

For the second Body Mesh, change its Object Index to 1 so it maps to the second person in the scene.

You’ll notice that the second mesh has the same shape and pose as the first mesh. To change this to track the second person, we can go to the Full Body Mesh asset of the second person and change its Body Index to 1 as well.

To attach objects onto the body mesh, try using the Pin To Mesh Component

Next Steps

To see examples of using a Body Mesh, please check out the Body Mesh Template page. To automatically fit other outfits or accessories onto the reference body mesh try creating an External Mesh.

Download the Reference 3D Body Mesh

Click here to download a zip that contains a 3D model of the Body Mesh object along with a UV map. You can use these to create modified body meshes or textures.

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