Image Carousel
Image Carousel is a rotary UI element that enables the selection of one item between many. To select items users can swipe to rotate the carousel or tap on an icon.

Adding the component to a scene
The Image Carousel component can be downloaded from the Asset Library.

Once downloaded it can be added to a Scene Object that has a Screen Transform.

Adding items
Items are added to the carousel by adding to the "Images" input array. Click on “Add Value” and select or drag a texture to the newly created field. (Items can be also added through a script using the API, see Full API section below)

Defining touch area
The carousel responds to touch events inside the bounds of its containing Screen Transform, editing these bounds will determine the touch area for the component.

The carousel can be also modified to have a vertical orientation (or any diagonal orientation) by rotating the containing Scene Object. Item images can then be straightened using "Item Rotation" input (under “Advanced”).

Responding to selection events
Responding to selection events can be done in one of two ways - registering for the onSelectionUpdate event or setting the callback input fields.
Method 1: Register for "onSelectionUpdate" event
The carousel component has an event called "onSelectionUpdate" that is triggered whenever a selection is made. Scripts can register for this event in the following way.
Create a new script with the following code:
//@input Component.ScriptComponent carousel
script.carousel.onSelectionUpdate.add(function (i, tex) {
print('selected index: ' + i);
print('selected icon texture: ' + tex);
Add the script to your scene and use the inspector panel to set the "carousel" input field to reference the carousel component in the scene.

Method 2: Set callback input fields
Create a new script and define the following function:
// Image Carousel callback example
script.onCarouselSelection = function (i, tex) {
print('selected index: ' + i);
print('selected icon texture: ' + tex);
In the Carousel CC, set the input fields under "On Item Set Call":
Script: Set to the newly created script (the script should be in the scene).
Function Name: Set to the name of the function that should be called when a selection is made ("onCarouselSelection" in this example).

The Image Carousel Custom Component provides various input parameters to customize its look and feel. See below the full list of inputs:

Input Name | Description |
Images | Array of textures, will be used as the icons of the items |
On Item Set Call | Defines the callback to call when selection is made (See "Respond to selection events" section above) |
Visible Items | Set the number of visible items (3 or 5) |
Item Size | The size of the items |
Carousel Radius | The radius (spread) of the carousel |
Opacity | The opacity of the items |
Background Color | The color to use for the background of the carousel (default is transparent) |
Ring Margin | The distance between the selection ring and the selected item |
Item Rotation | Internal rotation of the item images |
Render Order | Render order of this UI (higher value will render later in the scene, leave at 0 to render in the same order as the containing Scene Object) |
Touch Sensitivity | Sets swipe sensitivity, higher value is more sensitive |
Magnet Force | The magnitude of the force that centers the carousel on the closest item. Used for the animation |
Inertia Force | The inertia magnitude on quick swipes |
Delay Callback | Can be used to set a delay from the time of selection until the selection event is called |
Full API
onSelectionUpdate(index, texture)
'index' is the index of the item in the carousel
'texture' is the texture of the icon that was selected
* Registering for the event from another script:
script.carouselCC.onSelectionUpdate.add(function(index, texture) {...});
size(): int
Returns the number of items in the carousel
setSelected(int index, bool animate): void
Select item at index, animate to position if animate is true
getSelected(): int
Returns the currently selected item index, or -1 if the carousel is empty
getCentered(): int
Returns item index closest to center (works while dragging/animating too)
May be different the currently selected item while rotating the carousel
add(Texture image): int
Add an item to the end of the carousel with image
Returns the new image index
remove(int index): bool
Remove image at index, returns false if index is out of bounds
setImage(int index, Texture image): bool
Set image at index, returns false if index is out of bounds
getImage(int index): Texture
Returns the image texture for index, or null if index is out of bounds
getSelectedImage(): Texture
Returns the currently selected image texture, or null is the carousel is empty
setLocked(int index, bool locked): void
Show/Hide a lock badge on the icon
getLocked(int index): bool
Get lock badge state for icon index
setData(int index, Object data) : void
Set private data associated with this icon
getData(int index): Object
Get private data associated with this icon
enableInteraction(): void
Enable touch interaction
disableInteraction(): void
Disable touch interaction
show(): void
Show carousel (fade in animation)
hide(): void
Hide carousel (fade out animation)
isVisible(): bool
Returns visibility
Here’s an example script that calls some of the carousel API functions
//@input Component.ScriptComponent carousel
//@input Asset.Texture[] icons
// Add items to the carousel
for (let i in script.icons) {
// Set currently selected item
// Get currently selected item
print('Selected index: ' + script.carousel.getSelected());