This page provides details on all building blocks one may need to implement UI elements in Lens Studio that adapt seamlessly across different devices.
Working with Screen Transform
Take a look at some of the latest features for Lens Studio.
Screen Transform
Screen Transforms are usually used for the objects that exist in 2D space. This allows to place one ui elemnt relatively to another
Screen Region
Screen Regions is important for creating UI for your Lenses that adapt to different device resolutions.
Canvas is a Component that allows to use ScreenTransform hierarchies in 3D space.
Interactions for Screen Transforms
Learn how to script interactions for UI elements
Text Overview
The Text component allows you to add text to your Lens experience.
Pixel Accurate Rendering
In some cases, you might want to render UI elements perfectly based on their pixel size.
One of the essential tools necessary to build robust and cohesive UI interfaces is masking.
UI Custom Components
Outline of the ui custom components we have and how to use them
UI Widgets
With Lens Studio’s UI Widget Custom Components you can create custom interactable interfaces to overlay on your Lenses.
FlexBox Layout
The Horizontal and Vertical Layout Components work by positioning all the Layout Elements on child Scene Objects into the space allotted to the Layout Component by driving the properties of their ScreenTransform.
UI Scroll View
The UI Scroll View is allows you to scroll one screen transform within the bounds of another.
Image Carousel
Image Carousel is a rotary UI element that enables the selection of one item between many. To select items users can swipe to rotate the carousel or tap on an icon..
Creating Custom Components
Learn how to create your own UI Custom Components!
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