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Version: 4.55.1

Lens Studio Project Structure

File Structure

Every Lens project is contained within a folder. These folders and files contain information about various parts of your Lens project and are needed.


Each of the files and folders in this section will need to exist, or you will NOT be able to open your project.


This folder is the most useful and editable part of the Lens project. This folder is a reflection of your Resources panel. You can add/remove/modify files in this folder to add it into your project.

  • When it's modified: When the Resources panel has changed. For example, on a new project, you will find an Echopark.hdr since this HDR contains the default environment map used to light your scene.
  • Source control: Looking at this folder is a great way to see how the project has changed. You should commit things you expect, and if something is unexpected, consider re-opening the project in Lens Studio and modifying the Resources panel to reflect what you expect..

You can modify the files within this folder and it will be reflected in Lens Studio. For example, you may modify JavaScript files in this folder, and it will be reflected in your project. If you add new files that Lens Studio needs to process (e.g. 3D models), it will be processed the next time you open your project.


The filename is generated when you initially save the project. You do not need to modify this file as it is managed by Lens Studio as you work on your project automatically. This file contains many of the metadata related to your project, such as the Lens Name, structure of the resource panel, various settings, and more.

  • When it's modified: On Project Save.
  • Source control: You should always commit this. Your source control may report things that have changed in your lsproj, such as which Lens Studio version the project was last saved in, or when it was last saved, etc. In almost all cases you should just commit the changes Lens Studio has made.

With the release of Lens Studio 4.40, the file is no longer needed to be included in source control. You can still utilize the on your local repository.

This file contains binary files related to your project. You should NOT modify it in any way or you risk corruption. When it's modified: On Project Save.

As you continue to work on your project, your Lens folder may continue to grow as Lens Studio tries to archive your changes and you have files that are no longer used lying around. Two ways to reduce the size of your project: In the file menu, press the Optimize Project button and choose the files you want to clear. Put all your objects in the Objects panel under one object, export that object, and re import into a clean project. This will minimize your project to your current state.

Required but not in every project


This folder contains additional information about your project that Lens Studio may need depending on what is in your project. For example, if you imported an FBX/GLTF model into your project and it contains some Materials, these files will be automatically added into your project so that you can modify imported materials without writing to the model file.

  • When it's modified: When you bring in certain types of files into your project.
  • Source control: You should always commit this.

Support Files

These files are used by Lens Studio to make your development easier. It is not required for these files to exist, but are very useful and thus in most cases you should leave them as is.


This is a definition file used in general JavaScript development to help developers write code by providing information about functions and methods from a given module. In this case, it provides Lens Studio specific APIs. In other words, this will allow supported IDEs, such as VSCode, to have Lens Studio specific Intellisense.

  • When it's modified: It is automatically added to your Lens Studio project starting from Lens Studio 4.19.
  • Source control: You should keep this file, though Lens Studio will auto generate it for you if you are missing it.


This is a config file used in general JavaScript development to let your IDE know what type of code is being used. In this case, it lets the IDE know that Lens Studio uses the ES5 version of JavaScript.

  • When it's modified: It is automatically added to your Lens Studio project starting from Lens Studio 4.19.
  • Source control: You should keep this file, though Lens Studio will auto generate it for you if you are missing it.


This folder contains video or image previews to help you test your Lens. While Lens Studio comes with built in video and images to preview your Lens, if your Lens has a very specific use case, it might be useful to add custom previews in your project.

  • When it's modified: Some projects may contain this folder, some not. It is added manually outside of Lens Studio.
    • If you want to add Image previews to be stored in your project. Save your image under the Images folder in this folder. For example: Previews/Images/yourfile.png.
    • If you want to add Video previews to be stored in your project. Save your image under the Videos folder in this folder. For example: Previews/Videos/yourfile.webm.
  • Source control: You should commit preview files that you want to share.

Other Files


This folder contains some backups about the resources you have in your project.

  • When it's modified: Lens Studio will add these as needed.
  • Source Control: Exclude this folder from Source Control. This is only used for recovering from crashes.

File Management by Type

Within your Public folder, you will find various files that are used in your Lens project.

System Files

While the Public folder reflects the Resources panel, not all the items in the Resources panel have a 1:1 correspondence with files you may find on your computer.


Throughout your Public folder, you will find a folder.lock in every folder. This file ensures that your source control system commits every folder within the Public folder, even if it may seem empty to your computer file system. This file is important for the integrity of your project and should NOT be deleted.

Every folder.lock is identical. If you accidentally delete one, you can copy and paste the folder.lock from another folder into the one missing it.

Below are some examples of System Files that come with the default Lens Studio project:

  • Device Camera Texture: the raw camera feed from the device the Lens is running on
  • Physics Root World Settings: Defines the default physics settings
  • Render Target: A texture that cameras in the project can output to–in an empty project’s case, one is provided and is what your Lens will output to by default.

None of these will be visible to your source control and thus you do not need to worry about merge conflicts. However, this also means that if you change some settings, you will not be able to track them.

Lens Studio File Formats

There are some files that are visible to the computer file system, but are proprietary to Lens Studio. They store various information about specific parts of your project.

Meshes (.mesh)

The .mesh file represents the 3D geometry of an object. It is a proprietary format and can not be exported back into a standard 3D file. It is created when you import any 3D models into Lens Studio.

Materials (.lsmat)

The .lsmat file represents a material which is used to display objects in Lens Studio. It is similar to a shader file, and in fact shaders can be defined within it. It contains both the logic of the material, as well as properties used by it. It is edited using the Material Editor. This file will change whenever a Lens Studio project is opened or saved.

Visual Scripting (.lsscript)

The .lsscript file represents Lens logic in the form of a node-graph. It is similar to a JavaScript file.

VFX (.lsvfx)

The .lsvfx file represents a vfx/particles system which can be used in a Lens. It is edited using the built-in VFX editor. It contains both the logic of the vfx system, as well as properties used by it. This file will change whenever a Lens Studio project is saved.

2D Animation Files (.t3d)

The .t3d file represents the metadata of a 2d animated texture. They described how the adjacent textures (atlas) should be used, such as the number of frames, rows, and columns an animation may have. The folder a .t3d is in represents an animated texture in Lens Studio–you must keep them together. .t3d is created by Resources > + > 2D Animation from Files. You can bring .t3d into another project by dragging in the .t3d into its Resources panel and Lens Studio will automatically bring in the entire folder.

You may duplicate animation files in Lens Studio, and when the Lens is exported, if the animation file is exactly the same, it will only count one of them against your Lens size. This is especially useful if you want to display multiple 2D animations, as duplicating the Resource will allow you to have them in different states.

Textures (.pvr)

When possible, Lens Studio will compress your images while still retaining its original source file. This is done in the .pvr format.

(Object) Prefabs (.oprfb)

The .oprfb file is a binary file representing a scene object tree. It can be instantiated in the Scene at runtime, or stored in the scene. It is useful for having multiple instances of the same thing. It is created by right clicking an object in the Objects panel, and pressing “Save as a Prefab”.

Prefab (.prfb)

“Export as runtime bundle” these are archive files that preserve dependencies, unlike Object Prefabs. These can be loaded at runtime from external sources.

Lens Studio Objects (.lso)

The .lso file is a binary file representing a scene object tree. Unlike Prefabs, .lso does not exist within a project–rather it is used to transport an object tree into or out of a project. It is useful for extracting a subset of a project, or bringing in parts of a project into a project. When imported into a project, the .lso will bring in its object tree and all associated resources and it will become part of the project (and not as an instantiable object tree as with .oprfb). It is created by right-clicking an object in the Objects panel and pressing “Export Object”.

Other files you may encounter:

ML Models (.dnn)

Lens Studio may contain a proprietary .dnn file which represents an ML model file.

Tracking Data (.td)

In your Preview folder, you might have a video with a .td file next to it. The .td file contains tracking data information about the video.

Industry Standard Assets

Projects can contain a number of industry standard formats which can be leveraged in a Lens.


Images, videos, and even proprietary Lens Studio files such as “Segmentation” are all seen in Lens Studio as a texture. Where you can use one texture, you can use another.


Lens Studio supports common raster files such as .png, .jpg, and .gif. It does NOT support proprietary formats from other software such as .psd, nor vector formats, such as .svg and .ai.


Lens Studio supports .mp4 in the H.264 format.


Lens Studio uses ES5 JavaScript files. You can edit these files outside of Lens Studio, or use the built in Script Editor.

Some JavaScript functions you may be familiar with are actually not part of the standard JS specification, such as “canvas” and won’t be available. In addition, some JS functions have Lens Studio specific implementation. For example, instead of console.log, you would use print.

3D Models

Lens Studio allows you to provide a variety of Industry standard 3D models. Such as .fbx, .gltf, and .obj. The Lens itself will store the geometry data in a proprietary format .mesh, and its material in .lsmat, as described above.

Animation names are used in Lens Studio as references. Each animation should have a different name, lest they override each other.

After importing into Lens Studio, FBX's materials will be added to the AdditionalFiles folders. This enables users to modify the materials after import. Please don't delete this folder, or else your project will become corrupted.

If you export an object containing a 3D model, only the proprietary files will be stored (e.g. .lsmat and .mesh).


You can bring in .mp3 or .wav files to use in your Lens. .mp3 files are preferred as they are generally smaller.

As in other software, .mp3 files can not be looped consistently as the file format adds a white space at the beginning of the file intentionally.

ML Models

You can bring in .pb or .onnx files into Lens Studio for use with SnapML.

Source Control Setup

While Lens Studio itself does not contain a source control system, Lens Studio 4.40 now offers a new Version Control Friendly Project format to help you streamline collaboration on projects with source control solutions such as Git. Below are some suggestions when setting up your work. However, you should customize it to your preference and needs.

Lens Studio and Git

With the release of Lens Studio 4.40, there are now certain files that can will be required for committing your work with Git.

As mentioned in the section above, the file is optional and does not need to be submitted when committing to source control. However, there is an option to have the file to either be included or excluded from the .gitignore file. Since the file contains relative caching information for your Lens Studio project, you can still add your file to source control as a way to help reduce the time it takes for your Lens Studio project to recompile.

scene folder

The scene folder contains serialized information that is used by Lens Studio. This folder will need to be added when submitting your Lens Studio project for source control.

entities folder

The entities folder contains information that was previous located in the .lsproj file. With entities, items has been broken down as a way to itemize and enable more control over content with source control.


This file is generated based upon the user's configurations for Lens Studio. This file is automatically ignored for source control and is not needed to be uploaded.


With Lens Studio 4.40, a dedicated .gitignore file has been added. It is recommended to not edit the provided .gitignore. If you need to add additional items to be ignored such as the examples below, you should create your own .gitignore file.

If you are adding your own .gitignore file, you will need to place the file in the root of your repo, or a folder that contains your Lens Studio project folder. Two .gitignore files in the same folder can potentially cause issues when submitting your work to source control.

Since Lens Studio uses JavaScript, in the process of your development you may use other common JavaScript practices. As a result you might want to ignore things like:

  • node_modules
  • yarn.lock
  • package.lock

Since everyone’s workflow varies, you should consider other files to ignore based on your needs. For example, you might use a Python file to generate some JavaScript files for your Lens to use, you will likely want to ignore these:

  • __pycache__/
  • *.py[cod]
  • *$py.class


There’s are number of binary files Lens Studio uses in order to store information about your project. In many cases you will want to use GitLFS to store these binary files. GitLFS allows your repository to store pointers to a binary file, rather than keep the binary file within the repository itself.

However, when using GitLFS, it is important that you set this up early, and every collaborator is aware. If your collaborators don’t install GitLFS, then their computer will only hold the pointers to the binary file rather than the actual binary file and Lens Studio will NOT be able to open the project.

If your git repository is using GitLFS and you have trouble opening a project, try running git lfs install to install GitLFS, then git lfs pull to turn file pointers into the actual files.

Workflow Suggestions

Since Lens Studio involves a lot of binary files, it is important to be strategic in how you set up your project to prevent headaches, especially when multiple people are working on the same project.

In addition, since the Lens Studio Public folder can be modified without re-saving the project, when you haven’t changed the Lens Studio scene, you should skip saving the Lens Studio project and only modify its assets. This will prevent potential conflicts with binaries that may have automatically changed (e.g. any materials,, etc.)

Lens Studio Versions

Make sure all developers are using the same version of Lens Studio. Advise your teammates not to automatically update Lens Studio when prompted.

If you do need to update Lens Studio (to take advantage of some cool new tech, for example), have one person do so first. They can then test the Lens and make any necessary fixes for compatibility with the newest Lens Studio. Only have the rest of the team upgrade once the updated project has been posted to the repository.

Development Strategy

With Lens Studio 4.40 and later, you should focus on utilizing some of the new solutions as a safe and source control friendly way to build upon your Lens Studio project. Thus, as with other software development practices, it is important to break down your project into smaller modular pieces that can be managed separately, such as using .lso files and prefabs.

When re-importing LSO, you may end up with multiple duplicate resources if they are not identical. One way to solve this is to delete old instances, and File > Optimize Project to remove old resources.

.LSO files will wrap every file, including scripts, into a binary. This means that you will not be able to diff changes to your scripts or LSO. As a result, you will usually want to store the project that generates the LSO in your source control as well.

In some cases you may want to save them as Prefabs. This option is good as the Prefabs can later be switched easily, since they are seen as “one unit” in a Lens project. However, it might make it harder to edit since what’s inside the prefab is opaque (e.g. you can’t see the objects tree within a prefab.

Prefabs can't reference other prefabs. If you want to export objects that have "prefabs," you must embed the "prefab" as a child object and duplicate that.

Working with JavaScript

  • Since JavaScript can be modified and be inspected without opening the Lens Studio project, sometimes it’s good to store variables in JS files rather than in the Lens Studio scene (e.g. using // @input). This way you can inspect changes, as well as tweak parameters without resaving the Lens studio project.
  • For large projects with a lot of JavaScript, it helps to explicitly divide PRs into JavaScript-only PRs and Scene/Resource PRs.
    • When making Scene/Resource changes, avoid making any JavaScript changes other than the absolute minimum necessary to keep the lens working, including their attributes in the Inspector panel. This way, reviewers won’t need to launch Lens Studio to review changes and can perform the entire review within GitHub just like regular code reviews.
    • Lens Studio will occasionally make a lot of changes to non-JavaScript files even if the only changes you make are JavaScript changes. Those changes are just metadata updates and are safe to revert. You should do so before sending your changes for review if you didn’t make any non-JavaScript changes.
  • It’s OK to add stub PRs that set up the Lens scene for upcoming Script changes.
    • Example: For a feature that requires a new JavaScript file that takes multiple inputs, you can split this into multiple PRs:
      • The first PR will add an empty JavaScript file that defines its required inputs, and will add its ScriptComponent with the relevant values. At this point, there is no change to the lens behavior.
      • The second PR will add all the required JavaScript code to implement the new behavior, potentially also delete all the JavaScript code (except for input comments) that provided removed functionality. At this point, the new feature will be implemented, but there might be some zombie Scene objects and components left behind.
      • A third PR can then clean up any Scene objects, and ScriptComponents, and Script resources that are no longer needed.

Working on Large Projects

  • If you’re working on a large project, turning off auto backups might speed up flow as your computer is not constantly resaving to the disk. However, you won’t have any backup. You can change how often this re-save happens in the Lens Studio preferences.
  • If Lens Studio is constantly using high CPU usage, consider pausing the preview video. As you can imagine, continually running ML models and other processes will take a toll.

If you haven’t turned off auto-save, you might be able to find old versions of your Lens Studio projects in the Temporary folder. In your Lens Studio Preferences, you can find where your temporary folders are located and open it in your computer file system to get old versions of your project.

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