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  • How do we calculate engagement rate?
    You can find the details here.

  • How do I get access to the list of all Creators available for discovery?
    Right now we don't offer an API for fetching all Creators. Reach out to your Snapchat POC to get the list of Profile IDs for discovery. Alternatively you can use our Search API to find a Creator by username or display name.

  • When are you going to expand discoverable Creators through the API?
    We are actively working to introduce a broader set of Creators for discovery and supply them in our Profile ID data dump. Alternatively you can use our Search API to find a Creator by username or display name.

  • When can I get public data vs. authorized data for a Creator?
    You can use our Public endpoints to fetch data for any Public Profile; whether in our Profile ID dump or if you find it via the Search APIs You can get authorized data in either of these scenarios You platform offers a "Connect to Snapchat" OAuth flow where you obtain the Creators auth_token via OAuth and then can call into our Authorized APIs for that Creator (aka Public Profile) You call the Public endpoint for getProfileById and we return share_authorized_data_with_api_partners = true. You can then switch to calling the Authorized endpoints for this Profile ID

  • What public statistics will be available?
    For the Profile, subscriber stats will be available. For Spotlights, shares and views stats will be available.

  • What statistics are available if the creator opts in to sharing authorized data?
    Authorized profile statistics. Providing access to additional metrics (i.e. Public Stories), asset types, fields, and breakdown dimensions.

  • What statistics are available once the creator provides authorization?
    Refer to Public Profile API stats metrics documentation.

  • What demographics can statistics be broken down by?
    Once the creator has provided authorization or if they have chosen to share authorized data, refer to the breakdown dimension parameter in Public Profile API stats documentation.

  • What percentage of views / engagement come from Spotlight vs. Stories?
    For Snap Stars, a majority of their Views & Engagement come from Stories as these are their subscribed audiences viewing their ephemeral Public Story content. Spotlight is typically a channel used for acquisition of new subscribers/followers

  • Is there a way to get the Profile ID for a given user if I have an OAuth token in the user’s context?
    See the appendix, Getting the Profile ID for a User

  • What are the scopes that are available to an OAuth app?
    The scopes are listed here. The most important scope to this use case is snapchat-profile-api, but snapchat-marketing-api may be important depending on your workflow

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