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User Journey

Example Usage Flow with Opt-In

Let’s run through an example using profile ID c3aa5dcf-8538-4f4f-8f00-117466b8cfda. This is Alyssa McKay’s public profile and they have opted-in to sharing authorized data with API partners.

  • Step 1 - Get Profile Metadata from Discovery Endpoint Call the public get profile by ID endpoint with Alyssa’s profile ID to retrieve their public metadata. Notice that share_authorized_data_with_api_partners is true in the profile metadata response. This indicates that Alyssa has chosen to share their authorized profile data with API partners.

  • Step 2- Get Profile Statistics from Authorized Endpoints Now that we have confirmed that Alyssa has chosen to share authorized data we can call the authorized profile stats endpoint to retrieve statistics for the profile, stories, saved stories, lenses, and spotlights.

Example Usage Flow without Opt-In

  • Step 1- Get Profile Metadata from Discovery Endpoint Imagine we call the public get profile by ID endpoint with the ID of a profile whose owner has not chosen to share authorized data with API partners. In the profile metadata response share_authorized_data_with_api_partners would be false.

  • Step 2- Get Content Metadata and Statistics from Discovery Endpoints Calling authorized endpoints with this profile ID would result in an error. However, we can still retrieve a subset of metadata and statistics from the rest of the public discovery endpoints.

  • Step 3- Get Profile Owner Authorization Implement the user authentication via redirect to request authorization from the profile owner and receive a token authorized to act on their behalf.

  • Step 4- Get Profile Statistics from Authorized Endpoints Now that we have been authorized by the profile owner we can call the authorized profile stats endpoint to retrieve statistics for the profile, stories, saved stories, lenses, and spotlights. Impact for Partners with Existing Integrations

Impact for Partners with Existing Integrations

Integration work completed thus far remains valuable as there may be Creators who do not choose to share their authorized data with all API partners. Thus, it is recommended to develop an implementation that accounts for both the opt-in and non-opt-in scenarios.

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