With just a tap, your community can share Lenses AR experiences, Filters, GIFs, videos, links, or captions from your website or app to Snapchat.
Creative Kit
Sharing to Snapchat seamlessly. Let your community share content from your app or website with friends on Snapchat.
Make Sharing Even More Interactive
Build an engaged community by creating more interactive moments with Dynamic Lenses and Stickers.
Give your users a way to share live scores, weather, and other dynamic data through easy-to-build AR experiences.
Let your users decorate their Snaps with branded stickers that show friends where they are or what they’re doing.
On average, 280 million people use Snapchat every day to communicate with their closest friends.1 Creative Kit gives you a way to take part in those conversations.
Snaps and Stories shared with Creative Kit link back to your content, driving more engagement on your app or website.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why should I use Creative Kit?
Creative Kit is the perfect solution for people to share your content with their friends on Snapchat via Chat or their Story. Use amazing creative tools, like AR Lenses, stickers, GIFs, videos, or standard links, and Creative Kit will always attribute back to your app or website so you can grow your audience for free.
Can I select the type of sharing experience I want to enable?
Yes. Creative Kit supports a wide range of creative tools, such as AR Lenses, stickers, GIFs, videos, and standard links. You can share any type of content on Snapchat, from your website or app.
Does Creative Kit work on desktop?
Yes. Your community will scan a Snapcode, which will bring your content directly to their Snapchat mobile app. They can then share content easily with their friends, via Chat or in their Story.
Will my community need to connect to Snapchat in order to share with their friends?
No. Creative Kit works by deep linking inside Snapchat, removing the need for an extra login step.
What are Dynamic AR Lenses?
Augmented reality has massive usage, with over 200 million Snapchatters engaging with AR daily. With Dynamic AR Lenses, you can customize your augmented-reality experience to include dynamically generated fields, such as live scores, weather, location, and more! This will make each sharing experience unique and customized for your community.
How will people get to my app or website?
When someone sees a message or Story from Creative Kit, a link to your app or website will be attached, and they can easily visit your property by swiping up. This is a great way to grow your audience and engagement for free.