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Creative Kit

Available for: iOS, Android, and Web

Creative Kit makes sharing to Snapchat even more seamless!

Creative Kit allows users to share AR experiences, stickers, images, videos, or captions from your website or app directly to Snapchat's camera or preview screen.

After the content is shared to Snapchat, users can apply any of Snapchat's creative tools to edit the shared content before sending it to their friends, stories, or Spotlight.

Important Update 2024.10.01
Creative Kit was previously provided as an installable SDK. The SDK version will continue to work, however it will no longer be updated. We recommend all existing Creative Kit integrations transition the new code-only version linked below.

More to Share

Creative Kit provides app developers with advanced sharing options beyond what is possible with the native iOS or Android share actions. Send through sticker assets to allow your users to decorate their Snaps with branded stickers that show friends where they are or what they’re doing. Link to Dynamic Lenses that will provide your users a way to share live scores, weather, and other dynamic data through easy-to-build AR experiences.

With Creative Kit you can…

  • Share images or videos to the Preview screen
  • Attach stickers to the Preview or live Camera screen
  • Add a predefined caption
  • Activate a Lens you’ve created and send through dynamic data

Media Specifications

Photos and videos

  • Images must be PNG or JPEG
  • Videos must be MP4 or MOV
  • Shared media must be 300 MB or smaller
  • Videos must be no more than 5 minutes in duration
  • Captions are limited to 250 characters
  • All resource URIs should be local
  • Videos that are longer than 10 seconds are split up into multiple Snaps of 10 seconds or less
  • Suggested aspect ratio 9:16


  • Only one sticker is allowed
  • A static sticker must be PNG or JPEG
  • File size 1 MB or smaller
  • Animated stickers must be WebP (preferred) or GIF
  • Captions are limited to 250 characters

Note: Animated stickers are not current support on Android.


  • You cannot attach stickers when using Lenses
  • Captions are limited to 250 characters
  • Dynamic launch data can be added in key-value pairs. The key must be a string and the value can be an int, float, double, string, or an array of any one of those types

More details on how to create and define these parameters can be found in the Github documentation below.

Get Started

Creative Kit does not require the installation of any SDKs and setup is easy. Check out our Creative Kit Github repository for details on how to get setup and how to start sharing to Snapchat.

Identity Web View

Identity Web View is required for third-party developers who create Snap Kit applications with Creative Kit that fall under the anonymous or Q&A categories.

When a user attempts to interact with the attachment URL on a Snap, a modal will be presented to the user; they must press Continue in order to authorize Snapchat to send their Bitmoji 2D avatar URL and abbreviated Display Name to your application, which will then allow them to open the attachment URL.

After the user accepts the prompt and selects Continue, they will be redirected to your website. Their values will then be populated and available in the HTTP headers. These results will be cached for 90 days for a given user per app and will be cleared if the user does not interact with the app within this time frame. If there is interactivity, the cache will reset to another 90 days.

--header Snap-Reference-ID = ca82dab6-d2e0-4709-a14a-e1378c550bf3
--header Snap-Bitmoji-Avatar-URL =
--header Snap-Abbreviated-Display-Name = John S.
  • Snap-Reference-ID: the unique UUID for a given Bitmoji URL or Display Name when a user attempts to open the attachment URL on a Snap
  • Snap-Bitmoji-Avatar-URL: the 2D Bitmoji Avatar URL for the user; this will not be returned if it is an empty string or is not present
  • Snap-Abbreviated-Display-Name: the Display Name for the user; this will not be returned if it is an empty string or is not present

The user's Bitmoji URL and Display Name are a snapshot from the time they interacted with the attachment URL on a Snap. These may not be the most up-to-date values for these anonymous users and you should not rely on them as the source of truth or as unique identifiers. Please use Login Kit if you require Bitmojis, Display Names, or any explicit authentication mechanisms.

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