Developing Your App
The Developer Portal is a web interface that allows developers to create and manage Projects, upload builds and metadata, handle testing, view analytics, control launches, and more.
Create a Snapchat Account
In order to access the Developer Portal, you need a Snapchat account with a verified email address. If you do not already have an account, you can create one here. This will be your personal developer account for managing and contributing to Projects.
Create an Organization
If you do not already have an Organization, open the Developer Portal and navigate to the dropdown in the top left corner. Select New Organization, enter your team’s Organization Name, and click Create.

Invite and Manage Users
After you create the Organization, you can add new members to your team. To do this, open your Organization’s homepage in the Developer Portal. Navigate to the Members section and select Manage Members.

This will redirect you to Business Manager, where you can view, manage, and invite new users to your Organization. Select the Invite Member button to add new members.

Enter the new user’s name, email address, and role in your Organization. A user can be assigned the following roles:
- Organization Admin: Can change business details and manage all Ad Accounts and Catalogs within the Organization.
- Business Admin: Can access full Business Manager capabilities (payment methods, roles, organization details), but must be assigned additional permissions to access individual Ad Accounts, Profiles, or Catalogs.
- Member: Can access the Organizations they’ve been added to, but must be assigned additional permissions within an Ad Account to view or take action on ads.

Click Invite Member. The user will receive an email invitation to join your Organization. Once they accept the invite, they will be able to log into the Developer Portal with their Snapchat credentials.
Organization members can contribute to Projects and will be targeted to test builds in Snapchat.
In addition to the Organization roles described above, you can also assign Project-specific roles to a user in Business Manager. These different roles are:
- Project Administrator - Can manage and delete Projects and manage its members.
- Project Viewer - Can view a Project’s details, but cannot manage or delete its members.
Organization Members must be assigned to an explicit role. They will not have any permissions to any Projects in your Organization until then.
To assign one of these roles, select a user from the Members tab in Business Manager, navigate to the Snap Kit Project Memberships section, select one or more Projects from your Organization, assign a role, and click + Add Role:

Create a Snap Kit Project
To create a new Snap Kit Project, navigate to your Organization’s homepage, click on New Project, and select Snap Kit. Give your Project a globally unique Name and click Create App.

In your Project’s Setup tab, you will find key Project information like Client ID, Demo Users, Platform Identifiers, and Versions.
Client ID
Snap separates the settings for development and production environments, in order to keep everything independent and clean. Two Client IDs are automatically generated when you register a Snap Kit Project: a Production and a Staging client ID.

To start building in your local development environment, use the Staging client ID. The Public OAuth 2.0 Client ID can be used for iOS, Android, and client-side web applications. The Confidential OAuth 2.0 Client ID is only needed for server-side session management on the web.
API Tokens
Generate the API Tokens for your Staging and Production environments if they are not already generated by the system for you. These tokens will later be used for authenticating your app to access Camera Kit.

Demo Users
To test your Snap Kit Integration on Staging, you can target specific Snapchat usernames and add them to the Demo Users list. A Demo User is a member who was formally invited to join your Organization, accepted the invitation via email, and logged into the Developer Portal with their Snapchat credentials.

You can add up to 30 Snapchat users. Make sure to add the Snapchat usernames of all the users who will help you with development and testing. You will see an error if you test with a username that is not on the Demo Users list.
Platform Identifiers
In the Platform Identifiers section, add all of your Bundle and App IDs that will be integrated with Snap Kit.

Please make sure to select the correct Stage (Staging or Production) and Platform (iOS or Android) before you start developing. Also enter the correct Bundle or App ID that matches your iOS or Android implementation.
When you create a Project, an Initial Version of it is created. In your Project’s Initial Version tab, you can fill out important details about your Project, like what your Snap Kit integration will be used for.
If you plan to make updates or changes to your Project, you can create additional versions. To do this, select + New Version, enter a Version Name, and click Create.

App Info
Once your implementation is ready, you can submit your Project for review. You must provide the following information:
- App Icon: An icon for your Snap Kit Project.
- App Name: The name of your Snap Kit Project.
- Category: The category your Snap Kit Project falls under.
- Description: A description of your Project.
- Privacy Policy: A privacy policy that is publicly hosted on a website.
In addition, please indicate whether your Project will generate content for Snapchat that may contain personal user information.

App Review
User safety is our priority. Therefore, the quality of your Project and its integration will be taken into account, as we expect a high level of value to the Snapchat community. Please follow Snap’s guidelines when building your Project.
Before you submit your Project, take a look at the top 5 reasons for rejection and tips you can follow for successful app reviews.
Once you’re ready for review, please provide an explanation in the App Review section, describing how your Snap Kit integration works and what it will be used for, in as much detail as possible. If you are submitting a newer version of a previous integration, please provide details on what was changed or updated.
In addition, please provide a Demo Video -- a simple video or screen recording showing the feature you built using Snap Kit in action. Screen recordings, visual aids, and detailed descriptions will help your Project move through the review process quicker. See our Review Process for more details.

After your Project is approved, you can use your Production Environment Client ID and your features will work for all Snapchat users, not just the ones listed in the Demo Users list.
Kit Toggles
In the Kit sections, you can enable the toggles for Kits that you would like to work with. Some Kits may require you to provide additional details about your integration.

After your Project is live, you can view data about your Project under the Analytics tab. For example, in a Project using Creative Kit, you can view the number of Camera and Preview shares as well as Direct and Story Snap views for a given week.
The data can be filtered by specific Kits, Metrics, Platforms, and Users (separated by Total Volume or Unique Users). You can also export the data into a CSV file, by selecting Export CSV.