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Version: 4.55.1

3ds Max, 3D Object Export

This guide will walk through how to use 3ds Max to export a 3D model to the FBX format so that it can be imported into Lens Studio. For the purposes of this guide, we're using 3ds Max 2017. That said, any 3D tool that can export to FBX should be able to export models that can be imported into Lens Studio.

Export for Lens Studio

In 3ds Max, select the object or objects you want to export in the Scene Explorer panel.

Then, click on the 3ds Max icon in the top left corner and then select Export -> Export Selected.

Select a path where you want to save your FBX file and then in the Save as type drop down menu, select Autodesk(*.FBX). Then, click the Save button. This will open the FBX Export window.

In the FBX Export window, click the small triangle to the left of Geometry to show the geometry options. 3D models imported into Lens Studio must be triangulated. You can triangulate your model automatically by checking Triangulate. Then check the Tangents and Binormals checkbox.

Split per-vertex Normals will be used to transfer hard edge information to Lens Studio. If your 3D model has hard edges please make sure to check the Split per-vertex Normals checkbox.

Next, if you want to export animation with your model, expand Animation and verify that the Animation checkbox is checked. Then, expand the Deformations and make sure the Deformations, Skins and Morphs checkboxes are checked.

Expand Embed Media and verify that the Embed Media checkbox is checked.

It is recommended to un-check both the Cameras and Lights checkbox.

You're now ready to export. In the FBX Export window select the OK button.

You now have an exported FBX file that is ready to be imported into Lens Studio.

For more information on importing 3D models into Lens Studio, please follow the 3D Object Import guide.

Scene Settings

Lens Studio's target animation frame rate is 30 frames per second. To ensure that the timing of your imported animation plays back correctly in Lens Studio, you should set the frame rate of your 3ds Max scene to 30 frames per second.

To set the frame rate in 3ds Max click on the Time Configuration button at the bottom right of the screen. This will open the Time Configuration window.

In the Time Configuration window, change the Frame Rate to Custom and set the FPS to 30. Then, click the OK button.

This will set your scene frame rate to 30 frames per second.

You now have an exported FBX file that's ready to be imported into Lens Studio. For information on importing 3D models into Lens Studio, review the 3D Object Import guide.

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