3D Object Export
For 3D models, Lens Studio supports the FBX export format which can be generated by many 3D tools.
When exporting the FBX format we have to make sure that we are using the correct settings so we can successfully import the FBX into Lens Studio. Below is the list of requirements to keep in mind when exporting models for Lens Studio and Snapchat.
- Meshes must be triangulated. Either manually triangulate the mesh or do it automatically through your 3D tool's export settings
- Meshes need to have a UV map and texture for use in Lens Studio.
- Lens Studio currently supports vertex coloring. For more detail, take a look at Cloth Simulation.
- Try to keep your models under
100,000 triangles
, or60,000 triangles
for meshes with joints/skinning for best performance. If it does, you'll have to play close attention to your frame rate. For more information, see the Performance and Optimization guide - If you want to add additional detail to your model, it is recommended to use a normal map texture. Please refer to the Materials guide and the Substance Texturing guide to learn more about materials and textures for Lens Studio
- For animation, configure your tool's time unit to be 30 FPS (frames per second)
If you make your 3D objects in Autodesk’s Maya, Maxon’s Cinema 4D, Blender or 3ds Max, you can follow the in-depth guides listed below to export your models for use in Lens Studio.
Lens Studio does support the OBJ file format; however, this format lacks support for animation. We recommend, if you're creating your own models, to use FBX which the below export guides focus on. The OBJ format is great to use when downloading models from sources like Sketchfab and Google's Poly. Please refer to the OBJ, 3D Object Import guide for more information.
Software Export Guides
Maya Export Guide
Blender Export Guide
Cinema 4D Export Guide
3DS Max Export Guide
Qlone Export Guide
Related Guides
Please refer to the guides below for additional information: