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Version: 4.55.1

UV Blend Tutorial

In this guide, we'll look at using UV coordinates to control blending between two textures. We'll use Swizzle, Remap, and Mix to achieve the effect.


We'll start with the blend mask, which is a single value will tell us which texture to use. A value of 0 will display one texture, and a value of 1 will display the other. Values in between will be a ratio of one or the other.

In the material below, we use a Surface UV Coord 0 node to get the UV coordinates of our mesh. UV coordinates contain two components - a vec2 - but in this case we only care about the second component. Wire the UV coordinate it into a Swizzle node and type y into the Swizzle parameter. This grabs the second component of the UV coordinate.

Next, we plug that into a Remap node, and the Remap output into the Color (Pixel) input of the Shader (3D) node. If you're using a Plane mesh, you should see a black and white vertical gradient. Play with the Range Min In and Range Max In parameters on the Remap node to compress the range of the gradient. In the picture below, I set Range Min In to 0.3 and Range Max In to 0.7<code>.

Now let's use this gradient to control where two textures blend together. Add a Texture 2D node, a Noise (Simplex) node, and a Mix node.

Wire Texture 2D into the A input of Mix, Noise into the B input, and the Remap output into Ratio.

Use the same UV coordinates to drive the UV Coord input on Texture 2D and the Seed input on the Noise node.

Finally, plug the output of Mix into the Color (Pixel) input of the Shader node. You will probably need to assign a texture to your newly created Texture 2D parameter on your material in Lens Studio. You should have something that looks like this:

Now play again with the input ranges of the Remap node: by changing these numbers, we have quick creative control on what the blend region looks like.

One final note: changing the Remap input ranges can cause the output of the remap to go beyond the output range which can cause undesired effects. We can fix this by adding a Clamp node after Remap, or by simply checking Clamp on the Remap node’s settings.


Download the UV Blend Material

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