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Version: 4.55.1

3D Hand Tracking

The 3D Hand Tracking template applies a 3D hand model to your hand in virtual space. Let's see how this template works!


Here is what we'll go over in the template:

3D Hand Tracking Component

The 3D Hand Tracking Component allows you to track hands in 3D space. The tracking data appends 2 rigged 3D hand models to match your left and right hand.

Enable the Two hands option within any of your hand tracking assets to track more than one hand at a time. Enabling Two hands for any hand tracking asset in your scene automatically enables it for all other hand tracking assets.

If you only need to track one hand, disable Two hands tracking for device optimization. If Two hands tracking is disabled, and your Lens detects more than one hand, it randomly picks one of them to track.

The Hand 3D Model

The 3D Hand Tracking Component provides two pairs of Hand 3D models as references and inspirations for tracking hands in 3D space. Try them by clicking on the checkboxes besides the object in the Objects panel.

 You can see the rigging of custom models in green and riggings from tracking component in grey. Please check out the Object Tracking 3D page to learn more about joint display in scene!

Swap Hand Model with Match Hierarchy

You can bring in your own custom 3d models and track it to the hand. While working on your own hand model, make sure the rigging structure of each bone matches the examples we provided in the template exactly.

If the new hand model has the same rigging hierarchy as our default hand models, you can use the Match Hierarchy button to automatically append your 3D hand model to the 3D hand tracking component.

If Match Hierarchy doesn’t work, manually drag the bones to their correlated Attachment Pointsslot on the Object Tracking 3D component. Otherwise, your model will not be tracked to the hand.

Make sure your hand model has its scale set to (1,1,1) and has its raw scale set similar to the scale of the example models.

Hand Skeleton Controller

The Hand Skeleton Controller can be found under the Skeleton 3D Hands example.

This script appends custom joints and bones to the hand object instead of using a rigged 3D Hand model. Input one model for each joint, finger bone and palm bone and the script automatically applies them to hands.

There’s a Basic Bones set and Cartoony Bones set applied to different hands by default. See what they look like with your left and right hand!

The 3D Hand Tracking template is a great way to get started with using the 3D Hand Tracking component. Have fun creating with the 3D Hand Tracking template!

Previewing Your Lens

You’re now ready to preview your Lens! To preview your Lens in Snapchat, follow the Pairing to Snapchat guide.

Please refer to the guides below for additional information:

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