Renders a given text with a 3D mesh.

interface Text3D {
    capitilizationOverride: CapitilizationOverride;
    editable: boolean;
    enabled: boolean;
    extentsTarget: ScreenTransform;
    extrudeDirection: number;
    extrusionDepth: number;
    font: Font;
    horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment;
    horizontalOverflow: HorizontalOverflow;
    letterSpacing: number;
    lineSpacing: number;
    mainMaterial: Material;
    mainPass: Pass;
    materials: Material[];
    meshShadowMode: MeshShadowMode;
    onEditingFinished: event1<string, void>;
    onEditingStarted: event0<void>;
    onEditingUpdated: event1<string, void>;
    sceneObject: SceneObject;
    shadowColor: vec4;
    shadowDensity: number;
    showEditingPreview: boolean;
    size: number;
    sizeToFit: boolean;
    stretchMode: StretchMode;
    text: string;
    touchHandler: InteractionComponent;
    uniqueIdentifier: string;
    verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment;
    verticalOverflow: VerticalOverflow;
    worldSpaceRect: Rect;
    addMaterial(material: Material): void;
    clearMaterials(): void;
    destroy(): void;
    getMaterial(index: number): Material;
    getMaterialsCount(): number;
    getRenderOrder(): number;
    getSceneObject(): SceneObject;
    getTransform(): Transform;
    getTypeName(): string;
    isOfType(type: string): boolean;
    isSame(other: ScriptObject): boolean;
    localAabbMax(): vec3;
    localAabbMin(): vec3;
    setRenderOrder(value: number): void;
    snap(camera: Camera): void;
    split(): RenderMeshVisual[];
    worldAabbMax(): vec3;
    worldAabbMin(): vec3;

Hierarchy (view full)


capitilizationOverride: CapitilizationOverride

Overrides the capitalization of the text rendered.

editable: boolean

Makes the Text component editable. When this is enabled the Text can be clicked to open up the device keyboard and edit the contents.

enabled: boolean

If disabled, the Component will stop enacting its behavior.

extentsTarget: ScreenTransform

When a ScreenTransform is present on this SceneObject, and extentsTarget is a child of this SceneObject, extentsTarget will be repositioned to match the exact area this MeshVisual is being rendered. Very useful for Image and Text components.

extrudeDirection: number

Starting from the Text3D's local position control whether the meshes are extruded forwards, backwards, or both directions

extrusionDepth: number

How deep the text meshes should be relative to the line height. 0-1 portion of the basic height which will be used for mesh depth. Values > 1 are valid.

font: Font

Font asset used.

horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment

When a ScreenTransform is attached to the same SceneObject, this controls how the mesh will be positioned horizontally depending on stretchMode.

horizontalOverflow: HorizontalOverflow

Controls how text should be handled when it goes past the horizontal boundaries defined by the world space rect or ScreenTransform.

letterSpacing: number

Modifies the spacing between letters. Set to 0 by default, which uses the fonts normal letter spacing. Negative values will remove space between letters, and positive values will add more space between letters.

lineSpacing: number

Modifies the vertical spacing between lines, as a multiple of lines. 1 will be single spacing, 2 will be double spaced, and 0.5 would be half the normal line height.

mainMaterial: Material

Returns the first Material.

mainPass: Pass

Returns the mainPass of the mainMaterial.

materials: Material[]

Get the array of materials used by the MaterialMeshVisual.

meshShadowMode: MeshShadowMode

None = 0, Caster = 1, Receiver = 2

onEditingFinished: event1<string, void>

This event will notify you when the user finishes editing the text.

onEditingStarted: event0<void>

This event will notify you when the user starts typing.

onEditingUpdated: event1<string, void>

This event will notify you on every edit to the text while the user is typing.

sceneObject: SceneObject

The scene object this component is on.

shadowColor: vec4

Affects the color of shadows being cast by this MeshVisual. The color of the cast shadow is a mix between shadowColor and the material's base texture color. The alpha value of shadowColor controls the mixing of these two colors, with 0 = shadowColor and 1 = shadowColor * textureColor.

shadowDensity: number

Density of shadows cast by this MeshVisual.

showEditingPreview: boolean

Use this property to control whether to show the input preview the keyboard. Note this preview also enables cursor movement.

size: number

Font size used.

sizeToFit: boolean

If enabled, the rendered text will always scale to fit the boundaries defined by the world space rect or ScreenTransform.

stretchMode: StretchMode

When a ScreenTransform is attached to the same SceneObject, this controls how the mesh will be stretched relative to the ScreenTransform's boundaries.

text: string

Text string to be drawn.

touchHandler: InteractionComponent

Use this property to override the touch handling for when to open the device keyboard when the Text is editable.

uniqueIdentifier: string
verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment

When a ScreenTransform is attached to the same SceneObject, this controls how the mesh will be positioned vertically depending on stretchMode.

verticalOverflow: VerticalOverflow

Controls how text should be handled when it goes past the vertical boundaries defined by the world space rect or ScreenTransform.

worldSpaceRect: Rect

Controls the boundaries the text is aligned and wraps within when not using ScreenTransform. Referred to as the Layout Rect in the Inspector panel.


  • Returns true if the object matches or derives from the passed in type.


    • type: string

    Returns boolean

  • Returns true if this object is the same as other. Useful for checking if two references point to the same thing.


    Returns boolean

  • Sets the order of this Visual in the render queue.


    • value: number

    Returns void

  • Projects screen positions from camera's view onto the mesh's UVs. If the MeshVisual's material uses the same texture as the camera input, the MeshVisual will look identical to the part of the screen it covers.


    Returns void

  • Splits the Text3D into individual RenderMeshVisuals. This destroys the Text3D component and you can no longer edit its properties like text.

    Returns RenderMeshVisual[]