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Experimental APIs


Experimental APIs provide access to features and capabilities of Spectacles that are under development. These APIs may be modified or deprecated without notice and do not guarantee backward compatibility in future releases. When your Lens project uses experimental mode, you cannot publish the Lens to a wider audience, and it remains self-contained to your Lens project and device.

Enabling Experimental APIs

To Enable Experimental APIs, go to Project Settings → Select Allow Experimental API

Lenses Captures

Lenses launched with Experimental APIs and recorded (e.g., Video or Photo Capture) will display an "Experimental Mode" watermark on the recorded content.

Removal of the watermark on recordings from Lenses that use Experimental APIs is prohibited.

Extended Permission

Lenses using sensitive features like Camera access through the CameraModule or Microphone access through the VoiceML cannot operate simultaneously with features that communicate with the internet, such as the RemoteServiceModule.

Extended Permissions un-restricts the access to the Spectacles camera, microphone, location, and internet for experimental Lenses. These permissions apply only to Lenses installed in the Lens Explorer's draft section with the Experimental APIs enabled in the Lens project.

Enable Extended Permissions through the mobile Spectacles App under App Settings → Developer Settings.

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