The Skeletal template allows you to track images to specific joints of the user's body. You can set your 2D images to track the user's head, neck, shoulders, elbows, and hands. Each image can be toggled on and off, as well as offset or resized. Additionally, you have the option to smooth out the tracking of each joint.
The Skeletal template differs from the Shoulder template in that it tracks joints in the upper body, whereas the Shoulder template tracks the bounding box of the body and shoulders only. Additionally, the Shoulder template works when the user is midrange from the camera, whereas the Skeletal template works best when the user is far away.
Video Walkthrough
Template Walkthrough
Switching Preview Video
When working with the Skeletal Template, you’ll want to switch the preview video to one with a person’s body. In the Preview panel, select the Image / Video Mode
Then, in the drop down at the top of the Preview panel, choose the Skeletal preview video
You should now see the content tracked to the body in the video. You can also switch to Webcam Mode
to see the content attached to yourself.
Add a Resource
To use the template, we’ll first need to import the images we want to attach to the joints. To do this, drag and drop a PNG
or GIF
into the Resources
panel from your computer.
Configure Skeletal Controller
Next, we will assign our imported content to each joint.
First, select the SkeletalController [EDIT_ME]
object in the Objects panel
to see its settings in the Inspector panel
Configure Content
The Skeletal template allows you to attach and tune an image to the following joints:
- Head
- Neck
- Right Shoulder
- Left Shoulder
- Right Elbow
- Left Elbow
- Right Hand
- Left Hand
You can enable
or disable
tracking of a joint by toggling the checkbox to the right of the joints name.
When enabled, you can assign the custom texture that you imported to the joint’s Texture field.
You can also adjust the size, offset, rotation and alpha of your image with the corresponding sliders.
Finally, you can set your image to look at a specific joint by setting the Rotate Toward drop down menu.
Configure Tracking Types
The Skeletal Templates comes with two tracking modes:
- Smooth: Smooth mode focuses on tracking the content with the least amount of jitter. In other words, tracking in Smooth mode is less bumpy, but it may result in a delay.
- Precise: Precise mode focuses on tracking the content with the highest accuracy and the least amount of delay, but it may result in occasional jitter.
By default the tracking type is set to Smooth. To change the tracking type, select the Skeletal Tracking Controller
in the Objects panel under the Orthographic Camera
Then, you can change the tracking type by changing the “Tracking Type” drop down menu.
In most cases you will want to use Smooth mode to track your content.
When smooth mode is selected, you can change the smoothing amount by changing the Smoothness slider.
You can export the Skeletal Tracking Controller object and add it to your own Lens project to get the same smoothing effect in your own Lens.
Object Tracking and 3D Objects
You can attach 3D Objects to Object Tracking by adding a helper script. Please refer to the Object Tracking & 3D Objects section of the Object Tracking guide for more information.
Previewing Your Lens
You’re now ready to preview your Lens. To preview your Lens in Snapchat, follow the Pairing to Snapchat guide.
Related Guides
Please refer to the guides below for additional information: