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Version: 5.x
Supported on
Camera Kit

2D Animation

Lens Studio allows you to import a sequence of textures or animated GIFs for 2D animations. The texture sequence is converted to an optimized sprite sheet and can be used as a texture asset in your project. Playback can be controlled by enabling Always Play or scripting when and how often the animation plays.

Importing 2D Animations

Simply drag and drop your GIF file into the Asset Browser panel. Lens Studio will automatically create a new animated texture resource from the GIF in the Asset Browser panel.

Configuring the 2D Animation Resource

Select the newly imported animation resource. In the Inspector panel you will see the animation settings for your animation resource. You can preview the animation at the bottom of the Inspector panel.

You can also see the number of frames, and the pixel size of the animation in this panel!

Always Play

Auto Play sets the animation to repeat indefinitely. For simple animation playback, enable this.

If you want it to only play at certain times, you can write a customized script. You can find more info below.


FPS sets the frame per second of the animation.


Duration sets how long the animation will play for in seconds.

Using 2D animation as Texture

Now your 2D animation can be used the same way as other 2D static textures in Lens Studio.

One common use case will be using the animated texture on an Image or Screen Image object. Adding a new Screen Image is detailed in the Image guide. This imported animation can now be used in the Texture field in the material settings of a newly created Screen Image.

Programatic Playback

Using Behavior Script

Behavior will allow you to play your animation based on some triggers (e.g. open mouth, on tap, on another animation's end, etc.) through simple dropdowns.

Scripting Animation Playback

For more complex animation control beyond Auto Play you'll have to write a script.

An example script for animation playback is shown below. It should be added to the Image or Screen Image object. Bind it to the event when you want the animation to play. For more information about scripting, refer to the Scripting Overview Guide.

const loops = 1;
const offset = 0.0;

const myAnimation = script.getSceneObject().getComponent('Component.Image');

const textureControl = myAnimation.getMaterial(0).getPass(0).baseTex.control;, offset);

Set loops to -1 to tell the animation to loop indefinitely. Any other number represents the number of times the animation should loop. For more information about scripting a 2D animation, see the AnimatedTextureFileProvider scripting API reference.

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