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Subscribing to Marketing API Announcements

To keep up to date on the latest changes to the Marketing API, you can sign up to receive Marketing API Announcements. Subscribing to these announcements allows you to receive updates on new releases, changes and deprecations for the Marketing API and the Conversions API.

March 2025

Age targeting increase

We have increased our age targeting to allow the targeting of Snapchatters up to 55+ , this is an increase on the previous 35+ maximum. This also means that we have increased the number of age buckets provided when requesting reporting insights based on demographics.

Since we now offer an extended selection of age buckets up to 55+, the 35+ age bucket will start to return 0 for all metrics in the near future, if you have a reporting application that relies on the 35+ age bucket you will need to update your application to make use of the new age buckets we offer.

Read more about how to target Snapchatters based on their age, read more about the age bucket breakdown used in reporting insights.

February 2025

Launch of "Sponsored Snaps"

The launch of "Sponsored Snaps" introduces changes to the Ad Squad and the Creative entities which allows for delivery in the Chat tab of Snapchat.

Delivery assumes certain conditions are met at both the Ad and Ad Squad level, additionally the new optional chat_properties on the Creative entity can tailor the behaviour of the Creative.

Read more about "Sponsored Snaps" and chat_properties.

September 2024

Campaign Objective V2 launch

We are making changes to the Campaign entity with the aim of simplifying the choices when setting up new Campaigns in Snap Ads Manager via the Advanced Create flow.

The changes to the Campaign entity means we will introduce a number of additional attributes which will be set on Campaign creation, the current objective attribute will be phased out and replaced with objective_v2_properties. Both the objective attribute and objective_v2_properties attribute are optional values which have no power to affect the Ad delivery or targeting of Ad Squads, they are only used by for the business logic of applications.

If you have an Application that creates Campaigns via the Snapchat Marketing API and your application provides a value for the objective attribute, your application will be affected and you will need to amend your Application to start using objective_v2_properties.

There will be no need to recreate or update old Campaigns, they will continue to serve as intended, at later stages of the roll-out we will also automatically apply the new objective_v2_properties attributes to existing campaigns.

For Campaigns created in Snap Ads manager we will automatically set the objective value to a suitable value based on the objective_v2_properties.

For the rest of 2024 it will be possible to continue to use the objective attribute when creating Campaign entities. In 2025 the API will reject requests to create Campaigns with an objective value, applications will need to provide an objective_v2_properties attribute or leave out the objective and the objective_v2_properties attributes.

Inspect the new objective_v2_properties and read more about the timelines of the rollout and the Business logic in the Campaign Objective V2 section.

Oracle Targeting deprecation

As of the 27 September 2024 Snap will stop offering Oracle targeting options, this includes the following endpoints:

NameAPI ReferenceDescription
Advanced provides many different targeting options, on the 27 September the Oracle DLXD targeting options will be removed
Oracle Datalogic DLXS Interest provides DLXS targeting, the endpoint will cease to function on the 27 September 2024
Oracle Datalogic DLXC Interest provides DLXC targeting, the endpoint will cease to function on the 27 September 2024
Oracle Datalogic DLXP Interest provides DLXP targeting, the endpoint will cease to function on the 27 September 2024

Existing Ad Squads using Oracle Targeting

On the 30th September any Oracle supplied targeting will be removed, this includes

  • Custom Audience segments supplied by Oracle (not listed in our API docs as it’s an Oracle integration)
  • Ad Squads that use Oracle (DLX) Interest targeting (DLXS, DLXP, DLXC)
  • Ad Squads that use Oracle (DLXD) Advanced Demographics targeting, note that this endpoint also offers a lot of non-Oracle targeting options that are unaffected.

The behaviour of the Ad Squad after removal of Oracle elements depends on the remaining targeting:

  • Ad squads that have additional Audience targeting such as Advanced Demographics, Custom Audiences, and/or any type of Interest Targeting ( Nielsen, First party Visitation , Snap Lifestyle Categories etc) will continue to serve after the DLX audiences have been removed. You may wish to adjust the targeting of these Ad Squads to better reflect the targeting you desire.
  • Ad squads that have only Geolocation, Zipcode, Demographic, Postcode, Device or any other type of targeting will be automatically paused by Snap after the DLX audiences and targeting have been removed. These Ad Squads can be unpaused in order to start serving again.

March 2024

Marketing API documentation including Conversions API, Public Profile, and Ads API will all live under the new Snap docs home.

February 2024

Effective February 26th, 2024, we are requiring Public Profile usage in ads via the Marketing API. This means your Creatives need to include the profile_properties attribute where a profile_id is to be used (see API docs). While including the profile_properties is required on creation, you will still be able to override the Profile name by using the brand_name attribute.

July 2023

European Union Digital Services Act

Effective August 25, 2023 in compliance with the European Digital Services Act (DSA), some targeting and optimization settings will no longer be available when targeting Snapchatters aged 13-17 in the 27 countries of the European Union (EU). We are also extending this to the United Kingdom (UK).

Some targeting options will no longer be available for Ad Squads reaching Snapchatters aged 13-17 in the EU and the UK

No longer available targetingAvailable targeting
Interest targetingAge
Customer listsLanguage
Dynamic Product Ads RetargetingLocation
Advanced demographics (already unavailable in the EU and the UKDevice
Install state targeting

Most optimization goals will no longer be available for Ad Squads reaching Snapchatters aged 13-17 in the EU and the UK

No longer available Optimisation GoalsAvailable Optimisation Goals
APP_INSTALLSReserved Campaigns (Takeovers, Reach & Frequency, Snap Select)


To learn how these changes may impact current campaigns visit our Business Help Centre article on the EU DSA

May 2023


To reduce latencies and improve reliability we are now introducing a default pagination size to all of our endpoints that support pagination. Currently we support pagination for Marketing API endpoints that can request large amounts of data, but we do not enforce any default limit.

  • On the 23rd of July, 2023 all Marketing API endpoints that support pagination will be paginated and will have a default limit of 1000 rows even if you did not specify any pagintion parameters.
  • By the 23rd of July, 2023 you must support the pagination features supported by the API to continue consuming the API without any disruptions.
  • The limit parameter can still be passed to the API and can be used to specify a limit lower than 1000.


This change will only apply to GET requests that are retrieving data. Non-paginated requests will continue to work, however, they will only return a maximum of 1000 entities per request by default.

For example, if you are currently calling GET /v1/adsquads/{ad_squad_id}/ads and receiving 2000 ad entities in the response. You will now receive 1000 ad entities in the response along with a next_link that can be used to fetch the next page.


Follow the Pagination section of API Patterns to implement pagination in your requests.

December 2022

Deprecation announcements

  • The Long form Video attachment and Audience Filters are due for deprecation on 1 February 2023, it will not be possible to create Longform Video attachments or Audience Filters after deprecation.

  • The snapchat_positions options GAMES and AUDIENCE_EXTENSION have been deprecated, these were found under placement_v2 which specifies the placement of Ads in the Snapchat client.

  • The reporting parameter platform_stats has been deprecated

Targeting auto-expansion changes

In late January we will make two changes to Targeting auto expansion:

  • We are deprecating the attribute enable_targeting_expansion in favour of auto_expansion_options.

  • auto_expansion_options allows targeting to expand by interest via interest_expansion_option , and custom audiences via custom_audience_expansion_option

  • Both expansion options will be enabled by default when creating an Ad Squad.

  • Ad Squads that form part of a Campaign targeting Housing, Credit or Employment, should always have auto-expansion disabled.

  • Auto expansion is described in full in the Targeting section of our docs.

May 2022

SKAdnetwork updates - Deprecation of Opt-out & Introduction of ecid_status

On the 7 September 2022 we are limiting enrollment to the point of Ad Squad creation, we are also deprecating the opt-out action for SKAd enrolled Ad Squads.

Whilst you won’t be able to opt-out an Ad Squad out of SKAd tracking, you will be able to free up the Apple Campaign ID by pausing the Ad Squad and detaching the Campaign ID using the new attribute ecid_status

The full changes along with a description of how to set the ecid_status are described in the SKAdnetwork tracking section of our docs.

April 2022

Rename of "Snap Audience Match" (or "SAM") to "Customer List"

We found that the term "Snap Audience Match" (or its acronym, "SAM") was not intuitive for most advertisers. To help advertisers better understand what the feature does at a glance, we renamed this to "Customer List".

August/October 2021

Ad Squad endpoint update

We are introducing an important behavior change to Ad Squad endpoint and the targeting entity in it. This is behavior change only affects targeting specs that have 500 or more GEO targeting criteria (country, region_id, postal_code). If you do not use more than 500 GEO targeting criteria in a single ad squad, you may ignore this change.

The complete changes are listed in the Targeting section for greater than 500 targeting rows

Timeline The changes listed below are already available for testing under a query parameter - targeting_spec_response_scope=AD_SQUAD_ONLY.

The changes will become default without the query parameter starting the 6th of January. On this date the old behavior will be deprecated.

Changes Any Ad Squad that contains more than 500 targeting criteria will have its targeting specifications broken out into a separate sub resource called targeting_specs and will be replaced by a property called separated_types. Any further updates or reads to the targeting spec will need to be performed on the new targeting_spec sub resource and not in the Ad Squad resource.


To reduce latencies and improve reliability we are now introducing a default pagination size to all of our endpoints that support pagination. Currently we support pagination for Marketing API endpoints that can request large amounts of data, but we do not enforce any default limit.

  • On the 27th of November all Marketing API endpoints that support pagination will be paginated and will have a default limit of 1000 rows even if you did not specify any pagintion parameters.
  • By the 27th of November you must support the pagination features supported by the API to continue consuming the API without any disruptions.
  • The limit parameter can still be passed to the API and can be used to specify a limit lower than 1000.

May 2021

Deprecation of Story Ad Position Reach Metrics

On the 23 August 2021 We are deprecating the Story Ad specific metrics position_uniques and position_frequency, the deprecation date will be 90 days after the announcement date.

Deprecation of position_uniques and position_frequency

Announcement date: 25 May 2021
Deprecation date: 23 August 2021

The parameters position_uniques and position_frequency as described in the following section will be deprecated.

April 2021

Measurement And Reporting

As part of the changes made by Apple for their ATT (Apple Transparent Tracking) rollout, we will be making changes to our attribution. These changes will be reflected in our reporting API. There will be no changes to the existing API interface and so this is not a strict breaking change. However, API developers will need to update their implementation to account for the changes listed in the measurement section of the docs as there will be a regression in the API functionality.

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