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Version: 4.55.1

Face Landmarks

Face Landmarks are 93 points that are tracked with the user's face. Like Object tracking, the position of the points are in screen space.

Face Landmarks are great if you want to track specific parts of the face since you have 93 points to attach to. You can also make fun interaction by getting distance between two of the landmarks and make interaction based on the distance.

The guide below walks through getting the position of points and then attaching an object to specific points.

To learn more, take a look at the Face Landmarks template which allows you to pin objects to a point and create effects based on the distance of points.

Face Landmarks Points

Each point of the face landmark is referred to by a specific number. Take a look at the map below to find the point that you are looking for.

These points can be accessed through the Head Binding component.

To add a Head Binding component, in the Objects panel click on + -> Head Binding.

Now we will make a script and attach it to the sphere that we just created.

 To learn more about scripting, check out the Scripting overview page

Next we’ll get a reference to the head binding with our script. You can do this by adding an input to the script, and adding the Head Binding reference in the Inspector panel of the object the script is attached to:

//@input Component.Head headBinding

Make sure to set the code to run on Lens Turn On since the head binding needs to be initialized before we can get the landmark.

Then, you can get the landmark points position using the getLandmark method

landmarksPosition = script.headBinding.getLandmark(script.faceLandmarkIndex);

Take a look at the API page for more information.

Using Face Landmark Position

You can use this position the same way you would use any other screen position. For example, you can use this position to attach a screen image to that face landmark’s position.

You can use the code below to attach any screen objects to a landmark on your face. Copy and paste the following code into a script and add it to any object.

// -----JS CODE-----
//@input int faceLandmarkIndex = 30 {"min": 0, "max": 92}
//@input Component.Head headBinding
//@input Component.ScreenTransform screenImage
var isFaceTracking = false;
var landmarksPosition =;
var screenImage = script.screenImage;
function onUpdate() {
if (!isFaceTracking) {
landmarksPosition = script.headBinding.getLandmark(script.faceLandmarkIndex);
var parentPos = screenImage.screenPointToParentPoint(landmarksPosition);
function onFaceFound() {
isFaceTracking = true;
function onFaceLost() {
isFaceTracking = false;
var faceFoundEvent = script.createEvent('FaceFoundEvent');
var faceLostEvent = script.createEvent('FaceLostEvent');
var updateEvent = script.createEvent('UpdateEvent');

Then, in the Inspector panel you can put the desired landmark, as well as the head binding and screen image reference to have the screen image be automatically tracked to that part of the face.

These points are tracked in screen space but since it uses head binding, you can get the depth position as well as rotation from the head binding component as well. To learn more about this you can take a look at the Face Landmarks Template.

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