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Version: 4.55.1

Face Stretch

The Face Stretch effect allows you to stretch points of the user's face. Great for creating funny face effects.

Create the Face Stretch

To create a Face Stretch object, first click the "+" button in the Objects panel. Then, select Face Effects -> Face Stretch.

Adjust the Face Stretch

The Face Stretch object is a 2D object. Adding a new Face Stretch automatically opens the  2D Scene  view to visually edit the Face Stretch.

Select your newly created Face Stretch object in the Objects panel. Drag points in the Scene panel to stretch specific areas of the face. With the Preview panel opened, you'll be able to preview the stretch in real-time on your own face. Points are moved symmetrically by default. You can disable this by unchecking the Symmetrical Mode button below the point editor. To reset a point back to its original position, double click any modified point. You can also reset all points back to their default positions using the Reset Points button under the point editor.

Face Stretch Settings

With your Face Stretch object selected, you'll see a number of settings for the Face Stretch in your Inspector panel.

  • Face Index - Which face the effect will apply to. The first face in the scene is 0; the second face in the scene is 1
  • Feature - The intensity of each stretch feature can be tuned via the slider
  • Add Feature - You're able to add additional features to a Face Stretch. New features allow you to work on specific stretch areas independently. For example, one feature might focus on the mouth while another might focus on the chin. These are then blended together to produce the final result
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