Spectacles Features Compatibility
Spectacles uses the same Lens Studio API set as Snapchat and Camera Kit. However, some APIs work exclusively on Spectacles and are marked as "wearable Only." Additionally, certain existing APIs do not function on the Spectacles (2024) device; refer to the list below for details.
Note that some APIs not listed below, while technically compatible with Spectacles (2024), may have limited usage due to their 2D nature. For guidance on creating Lenses for Spectacles, refer to Introduction to Spatial Design.
Unsupported APIs
DialogModule |
LocalizationsAsset |
BlurNoiseEstimation |
DepthSetter |
EyeColorVisual |
FaceInsetVisual |
FaceMaskVisual |
FaceStretchVisual |
HintsComponent |
InteractionComponent |
ManipulateComponent |
TrackedPointComponent |
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