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Version: 5.x
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Camera Kit

Script Components

In Lens Studio, scripts are added to the scene as Script Components, which are attached to Scene Objects. This association allows Script Components to interact with and manipulate the properties of other components within the same object or other objects in the scene.

The Script Component integrates Script Assets into a scene by:

  • Running custom code when Lens events are triggered
  • Exposing custom script properties for tweaking script behavior from the Lens Studio Inspector panel

Deleting a ScriptAsset will also remove the corresponding ScriptComponents

Lifecycle of a Script Component

To learn more about the life cycle of a Script Component, please refer to the Script Events

How to Create A Script Component

Script Components are automatically created when you drag your Script Asset to the Scene.

Script Components are automatically created when you select a Script Asset from the Add Component menu or the Add New Object menu.

Script Components can be created using createComponent() and retrieved using getComponent().

// Gets SceneObject attached
var newSceneObj = script.getSceneObject();
// Creates a new ScriptComponent
var newScriptComp = newSceneObj.createComponent('ScriptComponent');

// Gets the ScriptComponent attached to the SceneObject
var mySceneObj = newSceneObj.getComponent('ScriptComponent');

In Lens Studio, you should not instantiate classes that extend BaseScriptComponent or decorated with @component using the new keyword. This is because BaseScriptComponent and decorated @component classes are tightly integrated with Lens Studio and have a specific lifecycle that is managed by Lens Studio.

Instead, if you want to create an instance of BaseScriptComponent or @component, you should use the createComponent() method on a SceneObject. This method will properly create and attach the component to the SceneObject, ensuring that it is managed correctly by Lens Studio's lifecycle.


A Scene Event is a trigger that is activated while using a Lens. There are events for user activity (e.g. Tapped, Touch Started, etc.), as well as lifecycle events (Frame Updated, OnAwake, OnStart, etc.). The Script Component binds Lens Events to custom script code.

By default the Script Component will be bound to an OnAwake event. The contents of the Script will execute immediately when the ScriptComponent is first enabled. At that time future events like Frame Updated or Touch Start can be subscribed to, please refer to the Binding Events In Scripts Example

Script Component Inspector

Script Input Fields are variables you can define to customize your script's behavior. Input Fields defined in a script can be modified in the Inspector panel, making them useful for tweaks and adjustments in Lens Studio. Input Fields are also useful for referencing Scene Objects, Components, and Assets from your script.

Custom Script Input Fields

In the image above, the Script Component exposes the following Input Fields:

  • A Material named Object Material
  • A vec4 (color) named Tint Color
  • A float number named Change Speed

These Input Fields can be edited live in the Inspector panel without the need for modifying code.

Widgets like sliders, color pickers, and more are available using a special definition syntax in your script. To learn more about how to include widgets in your script input fields, visit the Custom Script UI guide.

You can reference Assets, Components and Scene Objects through inputs. You can set the default value for Assets through the Script Asset Inspector, however Components and Scene Objects can only be set in the Script Component Inspector.

// @input SceneObject mySceneObj
// @input SceneObject[] mySceneObjArray

// @input Asset asset
// @input Asset[] assetArray
// @input Asset.Material materialAsset

// @input Component component
// @input Component[] componenArray
// @input Component.ScriptComponent scriptComponent

In Place Inspector

Users will be able to view the in-place asset inspector for referenced asset inputs. This in-place inspector will provide extra information about the asset.

Hovering over the input fields, allows for a quick way to obtain the property names for scripting.

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