Supported on
Visual Studio Code Extension
The Visual Studio Code (VSCode) extension enables code hinting (IntelliSense), code snippets, and debugging scripts with breakpoints using VSCode.
Before you begin
- Download Visual Studio Code.
Download and configure the extension
- Install the extension from the Visual Studio Marketplace.

Navigate to File > Open
Select your Lens Studio project's root folder and click Open
Use code snippets
Use code snippets by typing ls_
and previewing the list of options. Skip the ls_
prefix if you already know which snippet you need.
Press Enter to select the snippet.
Input snippets
- ls_input_X (for every valid type)
also declares the variable using the /*@type/ annotation
- ls_input_color_rgb
- ls_input_color_rgba
- ls_input_combobox
Event snippets
- ls_create_event
- ls_create_stored_event
- ls_create_delayed_event
Type name snippets
- ls_asset_name
- ls_component_name
- ls_event_name
UI widget snippets
- ls_ui_widget
- ls_ui_label
- ls_ui_group
- ls_ui_group_start
- ls_ui_group_end
Functional snippets
- ls_get_sceneobject_local
- ls_get_transform_local
- ls_get_component_local
- ls_get_components_local
- ls_create_component_local
- ls_lerp_function
- ls_inv_lerp_function
- ls_remap_function
- ls_get_component_recursive_function
- ls_get_components_recursive_function
- ls_random_range_function
- ls_behavior_add_trigger_response
- ls_behavior_send_trigger
- ls_behavior_safe_add_trigger_response
- ls_behavior_safe_send_trigger
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