Building Mirrors
If you're interested in building AR Mirrors, there are a couple of important considerations to keep in mind.
- Mirrors can only be built by developers who have agreed to the Mirror-specific addendum, which is accessible when enabling Mirrors in your app configuration within the Snap Kit Developer Portal.
- AR Mirrors rotate the camera feed to create a 9:16 video. This requires specific configurations both in your project code and in the project setup, which are outlined below.
Looking to add Snapchat's library of viral Lenses to your project? Have questions about custom hardware or Lenses for your AR Mirror? Fill out this form for more information!
Getting Started
We provide a sample Mirror app to help you configure your project. This sample includes the necessary customizations, such as the MirrorAVSessionInput
Project Configuration
1. Custom Camera Input
Use a custom MirrorAVSessionInput
(code below) class to handle external cameras with a video orientation of .landscapeLeft
. This class is included in the sample Mirror app linked above.
2. Orientation Settings
- Enable support for all orientations except Upside Down in your project settings.
3. Info.plist Configuration
Add the following keys to your project's Info.plist
Sample App
Download the sample Mirror app for a working implementation, including:
- A pre-configured
class. - Correct project orientation and Info.plist settings.
import AVFoundation
import Foundation
import SCSDKCameraKit
class MirrorAVSessionInput: NSObject, Input {
var destination: InputDestination?
private(set) var frameSize: CGSize
private(set) var frameOrientation: AVCaptureVideoOrientation
var position: AVCaptureDevice.Position {
didSet {
guard position != oldValue else { return }
if let videoDeviceInput { videoSession.removeInput(videoDeviceInput) }
if let device = captureDevice {
do {
let input = try AVCaptureDeviceInput(device: device)
if videoSession.canAddInput(input) { videoSession.addInput(input) }
update(input: input, isAsync: false)
} catch {
debugPrint("[\(String(describing: self))]: Failed to add \(position) input")
private var captureDevice: AVCaptureDevice? {
AVCaptureDevice.default(.builtInWideAngleCamera, for:, position: position)
var isRunning: Bool { videoSession.isRunning }
var horizontalFieldOfView: CGFloat { fieldOfView }
private var fieldOfView: CGFloat
private var isVideoMirrored: Bool
private var format: AVCaptureDevice.Format?
private var prevCaptureInput: AVCaptureInput?
private var videoOrientation: AVCaptureVideoOrientation
private let context = CIContext()
private let videoSession: AVCaptureSession
private let videoOutput: AVCaptureVideoDataOutput
private var videoDeviceInput: AVCaptureDeviceInput? {
deviceInput(for: .video, session: videoSession)
private var videoConnection: AVCaptureConnection? {
videoOutput.connection(with: .video)
private let videoQueue: DispatchQueue
private let configurationQueue: DispatchQueue
init(session: AVCaptureSession, fieldOfView: CGFloat = Constants.defaultFieldOfView) {
self.fieldOfView = fieldOfView
self.videoSession = session
self.frameOrientation = .portrait
self.configurationQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "com.snap.mirror.avsessioninput.configuration")
self.videoOutput = AVCaptureVideoDataOutput()
self.videoQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "com.snap.mirror.videoOutput")
self.frameSize = UIScreen.main.bounds.size
self.position = .front
self.isVideoMirrored = true
self.videoOrientation = .landscapeLeft
videoOutput.videoSettings = [kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey as String: kCVPixelFormatType_420YpCbCr8BiPlanarFullRange]
videoOutput.setSampleBufferDelegate(self, queue: videoQueue)
if videoSession.canAddOutput(videoOutput) { videoSession.addOutput(videoOutput) }
videoConnection?.videoOrientation = videoOrientation
func startRunning() {
func stopRunning() {
func setVideoOrientation(_ videoOrientation: AVCaptureVideoOrientation) {
self.videoOrientation = videoOrientation
configurationQueue.async { [weak self] in
self?.videoConnection?.videoOrientation = videoOrientation
extension MirrorAVSessionInput: AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate {
func captureOutput(
_ output: AVCaptureOutput,
didOutput sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer,
from connection: AVCaptureConnection
) {
if output == videoOutput {
if let input = connection.inputPorts.first?.input, input != prevCaptureInput {
update(input: input)
destination?.input(self, receivedVideoSampleBuffer: sampleBuffer)
private extension MirrorAVSessionInput {
func restoreFormat() {
if let format, let device = videoDeviceInput?.device {
do {
try device.lockForConfiguration()
device.activeFormat = format
self.format = nil
} catch {
debugPrint("[\(String(describing: self))]: Failed to restore format")
func storeFormat() {
format = videoDeviceInput?.device.activeFormat
func deviceInput(for mediaType: AVMediaType, session: AVCaptureSession) -> AVCaptureDeviceInput? {
for input in session.inputs {
if let deviceInput = input as? AVCaptureDeviceInput, deviceInput.device.hasMediaType(mediaType) {
return deviceInput
return nil
func update(input: AVCaptureInput, isAsync: Bool = true) {
if let input = input as? AVCaptureDeviceInput {
fieldOfView = CGFloat(input.device.activeFormat.videoFieldOfView)
position = input.device.position
format = input.device.activeFormat
isVideoMirrored = position == .front
if isAsync {
configurationQueue.async { [weak self] in
} else {
prevCaptureInput = input
func updateConnection() {
if let isMirrored = videoConnection?.isVideoMirrored, isMirrored != isVideoMirrored {
videoConnection?.isVideoMirrored = isVideoMirrored
if let orientation = videoConnection?.videoOrientation, orientation != videoOrientation {
videoConnection?.videoOrientation = videoOrientation
extension MirrorAVSessionInput {
enum Constants {
static let defaultFieldOfView: CGFloat = 78.0