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Version: 4.55.1


The Scan Template contains examples showcasing use cases of the Scan function to detect what's in the camera. The template contains several helpers that you can use to create experiences without scripting. In addition, it provides a simple example to get you started with your first Scan script.

To get started with using the scan module, please check out the Scan documentation page to see more detailed explanations about scripting with Scan.

The Scan function is a part of Lens Cloud, a collection of backend services, built on the same infrastructure that powers Snapchat.

To learn more about Lens Cloud and how to power a new generation of AR experiences that are more dynamic, useful, and interactive than ever before, please visit Lens Cloud Overview


The template has several different independent examples on how you can use scan:

  • Scan Permission: Since Scan will get information on the camera by sending data to the server, the Lens will require the user's permission
  • Basic Scan: Basic way to list scanned results on screen on update or by pressing buttons
  • Identify Object: Identify whether certain object is in scene
  • Environment Switch: Activate visuals on environment changes
  • Get Car Price: Shows scanned car and its price range on screen
  • Checklist: Check if objects in scene fits into the element populated in a checklist. In addition, it contains an example script that you can use to get started with your own Scan experience.
  • The Print On Tap Example: Simple example to show how to script with scan
  • Scan Rate Limit: Dealing with multiple Scan requests

Scan Permission

Since the Scan Template leverages Snapchat’s Scan, when you first open the template Lens Studio will ask you to login if you haven’t yet. If not logged in, the Preview panel will show “Waiting on Scan Access” screen.

In the same way, in order to use the Scan function in the app, we need to get user’s permission to allow Lenses to use Scan on the Snapchat app. When a user first loads up a lens containing the Scan Module, this window will pop up on the app:

When the user presses Okay, this screen will disappear and your Lens experience will continue. If they press Cancel, the Lens will be loaded but none of the functionality involving scan would work because there will be no data returned. We can find this screen in the PermissionCheck script attached to the PermissionCheck object under Scan Controller.

When the project starts, the PermissionCheck script will call the function global.getScanResult() to try to call the scan module. And if the scan result returned succeeds, this screen will disappear and your experience will know it can call Scan and get the expected result.

To protect the user’s privacy, Snapchat will always let the user know that a Lens will use the scan function. The next time they enter your Lens it will ask the user to 'Tap to Enter' the Lens.

The Basic Scan Example

Under the Basic Scan object there are 2 examples of calling Scan and displaying its results.

Scan On Update would make a scan call constantly and it will display the scanning type and scanned result on the screen.

Try changing the ScanType variable to explore different types of scan!

The Scan With Buttons example works similarly as Scan On Update, but instead of constantly scanning it will just scan a type of object when the corresponding button is pressed. Feel free to push this example to the Snapchat app to try it out with your phone to scan the objects / places / cars around you!

In both cases, modify or change the ScanType or the ScanTypeText field to design your own Lens experience.

Identify Object

The Identify Object example uses the IdentifyObject script to check if any of the currently scanned objects matches the name typed in the ObjectName slot in the script. Instead of printing the result of the Scan, here we are checking if the result is what we want. If it is what we want, we trigger some effect.

By Default ObjectName is set as Banana and the Behavior script will enable a particle system when Banana is scanned.

Try changing the ObjectName to anything according to this reference list of all available scan results!

Environment Switch

This example triggers an effect when the scanned result has changed from label1 to label2--in other words whether the Scan results contain at least one of two expected results. In the example provided the scanType is set to be Places, and it is checking if the scanned result has switched from Indoor to Outdoor.

In the CheckLabelSwitch script, we can set up a tween response to run different tween animations on one object, in this case we’re running different tween animations on the Lens Flare object based on scanned result changing from ‘Indoor’ to ‘Outdoor’ and vice versa.

We have also set up Behavior triggers to be called when the switch happens, and the trigger will trigger tween responses on the icon under the Hints object as well as a color tween animation on the Vignette object.

Feel free to combine your own Behavior triggers, tween animations or labels with the CheckLabelSwitch and create more dynamic responses when scanned result changes!

Get Car Price

The Get Car Price example gets the scanned car name and price from the JSON file returned from the Scan Module. The Cars category is unique among scanned types in that it returns additional data on top of the detected result. In this case, you will also get  the car’s MSRP value (price) from scanned results.

The JSON format for car price is: result["extraData"]["msrp"]. We can use the same format to get the "make" or "model" of the car by replacing the "msrp" string with related string. Feel free to explore the GetCarPrice script to learn more!

It’s lots of fun to export this example to your phone and go explore and scan some cars to explore and learn about cars!


The Checklist example contains a list of custom defined labels and will mark them as ‘checked’ if they have appeared in camera.

Turning on the Persistent Storage bool allows the lens to remember items which have been checked, so even when the lens gets refreshed all the previous checked items will stay checked.

When changing the amount of items being checked, you may go to the UILayout script attached to the Item Parent object to change the y value of the Cell Size in order for items to populate the Checklist UI more evenly.

Feel free to populate the Checklist example with a completely different set of objects, and have fun with checking them off!

The Print On Tap Example

This example is great if you want to create your own script using Scan as it is the basis for the other examples. However, feel free to see the other examples for a usage based example.

The Print On Tap example in the Scan Template is the best way to get started with scripting with the scan module. The PrintScanResultOnTap script prints out the scan result (label) of a certain category on tap. Let’s check out the script to see how it works!

In the tap function, we’ll see the function script.scanModule.scan([scanType], onScanComplete, onScanFailure); being called. This is the function that calls the scan module and returns scanned data. The scanModule property is linked with a Scan Module created in the Resources folder. This module is the source for pulling scan data from a remote server!

The onScanComplete() function gets called when the scan module returns data and onScanFailure() gets called when the scan module fails to return data due to networking or permission reasons.

Since Scan understands what’s in the scene by sending it to a server, the Snapchatter must accept permission to enter the Scan experience. Please check the Scan Permission section above to learn more!

In the onScanComplete() function, we’ll see a JSON object being passed and the printAnnotations() function will print out every single entry from the JSON object based on the input variable annotations[i].

function onScanComplete(json) {
scanResultReturned = true;
var obj = JSON.parse(json);
if (
!obj ||
!obj.annotations ||
!obj.annotations[scanType] ||
) {
var annotations = obj.annotations[scanType].annotations;
for (var i = 0; i < annotations.length; i++) {

A scan result can return one or more objects, with one or more detail per object (depending on the scan type)

Scan Rate Limit

The scan module can only send out one scan request at any given time. All updating scan calls only calls the next scan when result from the last scan has returned. We can see it in the ScanOnUpdate script. the scan() function calls itself inside the scan function where scanned results are returned:

function scan() {
function callback(data) {
if (data) {
var combinedResults = '';
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
combinedResults += data[i].name;
combinedResults += '\n';
debugPrint('Scan Result: ' + data[i].name);
script.scanResult.text = combinedResults;
} else {
debugPrint('Scan has No Result!');

function failureCallback(data) {
debugPrint('Scan Failed! ' + data);

While working with the Scan Template, make sure only ONE example is running at any given time to avoid overloading the network by making multiple scan calls at the same time.

Previewing Your Lens

You’re now ready to preview your Lens! To preview your Lens in Snapchat, follow the Pairing to Snapchat guide.

Please refer to the guides below for additional information:

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