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Version: 5.x

Depth Render Target

To make it easier for you to mix-and-match our different examples, this template has been converted to an importable asset in the Asset Library with the name Screen Space Normals and Depth Collision VFX.

Depth Render Target is a new texture resource in Lens Studio that enables the retrieval of a Camera’s depth stencil buffer. This unique texture contains high-precision floating point depth information of rendered geometry.

Similar to a regular texture, a Depth Render Target can be assigned to any material and sampled from Material Editor. Depth Render Targets enable powerful effects such as screen space normals, custom occlusion, fog, and depth-based particle collision.

This guide will take a look at how to use Depth Render Targets and break down some of the examples in the Depth Render Target Template.

Creating a Depth Render target

To create a Depth Render Target;

  1. Left-click the + button in the Asset Browser panel.
  2. Type Depth Render Target to filter the selection
    1. Alternatively, navigate to the Texture tab, and select Depth Render Target.

On a Camera, assign the Depth Render Target to the new input field; Depth Render Target, located below where the regular color Render Target is assigned.

Depth Values & Depth Visualization

With the Depth Render Target added and attached to the camera, the Depth Render Target will contain depth information from objects rendered by that camera. To view this texture in a meaningful way, you will need to take a few extra steps.

First, in a material, you will need to change the texture parameter type to View Space Depth Map. This will return a depth sample in view space. Leaving this unchecked returns a depth value in screen space.

For Texture 2D Parameters, this is done with a dropdown menu on the Type field. For Texture 2D Object Parameters, it is a checkbox for View Space Depth Map.

Next, you will need to remap the depth values into a range that is visible.

View Space depth values are returned in the range (-far plane, -near plane). In OpenGL, the camera faces the negative Z axis, so sampled depth values are negative. These values can be put into a range suitable for viewing with some simple math:

Visualized Depth Value = -Sampled Depth Value / (Camera Far Plane - Camera Near Plane)

This is implemented in the SplitDepth material in the Depth Render Target Template, along with an option to invert the final value:

Screen Space Normals

One of the many use cases for the Depth Render Target is to generate screen space normals. This technique involves reading the depth buffer and reconstructing normals using partial derivatives of neighboring pixels. You might want to do this to generate normals for lighting objects with complex deforming geometry that would be too difficult to compute in a vertex shader. Another reason is to allow objects to sample normals in the scene such as with particle collision to determine which direction the particle should bounce.

While there is a Screen Space Normals asset on the Asset Library, this guide showcases how this technique works outside of a script-only setup. The methods and shaders used are the same as the Asset Library tool, but this section of the template shows what’s going on under the hood while demonstrating an important step needed with using Depth Render Targets.

The Screen Space Normals technique can be broken down into three steps:

  1. In a separate pass, generate normals from the depth buffer.
  2. Optionally, blur the resulting normals texture.
  3. Apply the normals texture to materials or VFX to achieve an effect.

In the template, they are generating normals under the Screen Space Normals Generation group. This contains a post effect called Generate Normals. Take a look at its' assigned material, Depth to Normals Mat, to see exactly how depth values are converted to normals.

This technique produces faceted normals, so usually some kind of blur is desired to smooth them out. Snap has implemented a fast two-pass blur with an extra feature: the blur has less of an effect if there is a large difference in depth between the center pixel and the offset sample. This helps to prevent normals from smoothing across objects separated in space, otherwise it might produce a plastic-wrap sort of look. The Depth Threshold value controls the sensitivity of this effect on the Bilateral Blur Horizontal and Vertical materials.

Finally, the resulting normals texture are applied to a slightly modified PBR material for the panda. There is a split-screen effect on the Visualize Screen Space Normals object that shows exactly what the final normals texture looks like.

The One Frame Delay

You might notice there is a slight lag in the normals texture when the panda moves around. This is a byproduct of using the Depth Render Target in additional passes and layers. Since we use a forward renderer, depth is generated at the same time as the color image, so any processing of the depth target will occur after both depth and color are generated. By the time the extra passes are done, the color image is already 1 frame behind.

The one frame delay effect is noticeable when applied as lighting on fast moving objects. For things like collisions, it’s typically not an issue.

Currently, the only way around this is to render a depth-only pre-pass. The depth from this pass can be used before the final color is resolved in the main camera. This is provided as an option for the Screen Space Normals asset in the Asset Library, so be sure to check that out if you need to solve this problem.

VFX Rain Example

The VFX Rain example uses the Screen Space Normals asset from the Asset Library to generate normals from a Depth Render Target. It uses normals for lighting materials on the panda and chair, and uses the normals and depth for rain particle collisions. The Rain VFX asset uses the “Collision (Depth Buffer)” subgraph in the Update stage to compute particle collisions.This subgraph can be found in the VFX subgraph library.

Collisions are tracked in a custom attribute called collisionCount. When collisionCount is greater than 0, a number of changes occur to the particle: it gets larger, it switches to a flipbook texture of a water splash, and it starts counting an offset for the flipbook texture frame time.

For more information on particle collisions, check out the VFX Collisions guide.

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