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Version: 4.55.1

Baseball Cap

The Baseball Cap Template lets users create a customizable baseball cap. This template is a great starting point to easily feature your own 2D artwork in a Face Lens. The template comes with a configurable 3D baseball cap which you can recolor and decorate with any image you like. It also features Face Mask Effects you can recolor and replace. This guide covers how to customize the baseball cap and face paint effects, as well as how to import your own custom logo and face paint patterns.



Customizing The Baseball Cap

To customize the baseball cap, select the Baseball Cap Controller [Edit Me] object in the Objects panel and adjust its settings in the Inspector panel. The sections below walk through each of the customizable settings.

You can replace the logo on the baseball cap by changing the Logo Texture property to the texture of your choosing.

The template includes a few example logos you can try out. You can find them in the Resources panel under the "Logos" folder.

To bring in your own image as a logo, select + -> Import Files in the Resources panel. Alternatively, you can drag and drop any image from your computer to the Resources Panel.

You can adjust the logo size using the Logo Size slider.

You can adjust the logo position using the Logo Offset X and Logo Offset Y sliders.

You can also adjust the logo's appearance by changing the Logo Blend Mode dropdown. Available blend modes are Normal, Screen, and Multiply.

Coloring the Baseball Cap

You can edit the baseball cap's color in the Inspector panel by changing the Primary Cap Color and Secondary Cap Color properties.

Adjusting the Baseball Cap

You can reshape the look of the baseball cap by adjusting the Brim Curve slider. This property adjusts the curve of the caps brim between flat and curved.

You can also change the tilt and swivel of the cap by adjusting the Hat Tilt and Hat Swivel sliders.

Toggling the Face Paint

You can turn the face paint effect on or off by checking the Show Face Paint checkbox.

Recoloring the Facepaint

You can change the colors used in the face paint by adjusting the Primary Face Paint Color and Secondary Face Paint Color properties in the Inspector panel.

Changing the Face Paint Patterns

You can change the Face Paint pattern by selecting a default pattern from the dropdown labeled Face Paint Pattern.

Creating Custom Face Paint Patterns

You can use your own textures to create a Face Paint pattern by unchecking the box labeled Use Default Pattern.

To bring in your own image as a face paint pattern texture, select + -> Import Files in the Resources panel, or drag and drop any image from your computer to the Resources Panel.

You can replace the face paint pattern textures by changing the Primary Face Paint Texture and Secondary Face Paint Texture properties.

Previewing Your Lens

You're now ready to preview your Face Lens. To preview your Lens in Snapchat, follow the Pairing to Snapchat guide.

Please refer to the guides below for additional information:

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