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Version: 5.x
Supported on
Camera Kit

Face Liquify

The Face Liquify effect spherically warps the face. You are able to configure how big and how intense the effect is. The Face Liquify object is perfect for making funny or exaggerated faces.

Create the Liquify

To create a Face Liquify object, first click the + button in the Scene Hierarchy panel. Then, select Face Liquify.

Adjust the Liquify

You can double click the newly added Face Liquify object to open its corresponding Face Liquify Editor panel.

Adding a new Face Liquify object automatically adds a pair of symmetric liquify points. With the Face Liquify object selected, you'll see two circle widgets in the Face Liquify Editor panel which represents the two newly added liquify points. When you select an object in the Scene Hierarchy panel, it will be selected in this panel.

The circle is the area of influence for the Face Liquify warp effect. Position the circle to where you want the effect applied to the face.

You can select multiple effects by pressing shift on the keyboard, while selecting multiple objects in the Scene Hierarchy panel

You can enable the Isolate Selection button which will disable editing of any other points except for the currently selected one.

If you check the Symmetrical Mode button, any selected objects will move symetrically along vertical axis.

You can add a liquify point by using the + button at the top left of the panel, or through the Scene Hierarchy panel.

Liquify Settings

Each Liquify Point object has two settings that can be configured in the Inspector panel. Select the Liquify Point object by expanding the Face Liquify object parent and selecting one of the children objects.

  • Radius: How large the circle of influence is
  • Intensity: The strength of the warp effect. Note, a coefficient that's less than 1 will warp inwards like a black hole

Alternatively, you can also configure the radius and intensity of the selected liquify points (highlighted in blue) in the 2D Scene view under the 2D editor.

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