Nodes > Inputs
Returns the maximum value in each dimension of the axis-aligned bounding box containing the mesh.
Returns the minimum value in each dimension of the axis-aligned bounding box containing the mesh.
Bool Parameter
Adds a boolean parameter to the material.
Bool Value
Returns a predefined boolean value.
Camera Aspect
Aspect ratio (width / height) of the camera.
Camera FOV
Field of view of the camera in degrees.
Camera Facing Ratio
Ratio, from 0 to 1, that this surface is facing the camera.
Camera Far
Far plane distance of the camera.
Camera Forward
Direction vector that the camera is facing.
Camera Near
Near plane distance of the camera.
Camera Position
World position of the camera.
Camera Right
Camera's right facing direction vector.
Camera Up
Camera's up facing direction vector.
Color Parameter
Adds a color parameter to the material.
Color Value
Returns a predefined color value.
Custom Vertex Attribute
Returns the value of a custom vertex attribute of the current surface. Custom vertex attributes can be added to meshes using the MeshBuilder script API.
Delta Time
Time elapsed since last frame.
Returns the camera depth of the surface
DropList Parameter
Adds a dropdown list parameter to the material.
Elapsed Time
Total time elapsed.
Faceted Normal
Returns flat normals to give a polygonal, faceted look. Plug this into the Override node (after PBR) to achieve the effect.
Float Array Object Parameter
Adds a float array parameter to the material.
Float Array Object Value
Creates a predefined Float Array, and returns it as an object so it can be sampled or passed in to a sub-graph.
Float Array Parameter
Adds a float array parameter to the material and samples a value from it.
Float Array Value
Creates a static Float Array value, and samples and returns the array value at the specified index.
Float Parameter
Adds a float parameter to the material.
Float Value
Returns a predefined float value.
Instance Count
Returns the material's "Instance Count" parameter, which controls how many instances of the mesh will be drawn each time the material is rendered.
Instance ID
Instance ID of the instance being drawn. Used with the material's "Instance Count" property.
Instance Ratio
Ratio of the current Instance ID compared to the total Instance Count. Useful when the material's "Instance Count" is greater than 1, which causes multiple instances of the mesh to be drawn.
Int Parameter
Adds an integer parameter to the material.
Int Value
Returns a predefined integer value.
Is Fallback Mode
Provides a way to bypass advanced shader features and effects which can improve stability and performance on a wide variety of devices.
Is Front Facing
Returns 1 if the surface is front facing, 0 if back facing.
Outputs a transformation matrix from the engine, based on the selected Type.
Matrix Parameter
Adds a matrix parameter to the material.
Matrix Value
Returns a predefined matrix value that can be used with other nodes.
Various version of the PI constant
Primitive Count
Outputs the total number of primitives in the mesh being rendered.
Reflection Vector
Returns the view vector reflected over the surface normal.
Refraction Vector
Returns the view vector refracted through the surface.
Screen UV Coord
Screen coordinates of the current surface.
Surface Bitangent
Returns the Bitangent direction vector of the surface.
Surface Color
Vertex color of the surface.
Surface Normal
Normal direction of the surface.
Surface Position
Position of the surface.
Surface Tangent
Tangent direction of the surface.
Surface UV Coord
UV 0 coordinates of the surface.
Texture 2D Array Object Parameter
Exposes a texture array parameter on the material. This value can be modified through the Inspector panel or by script at runtime.
Texture 2D Array Parameter
Exposes a texture array parameter on the material. This value can be modified through the Inspector panel or by script at runtime. In addition, this node automatically samples the texture and returns the color value.
Texture 2D Object Parameter
Adds a texture object parameter to the material.
Texture 2D Parameter
Adds a texture object parameter to the material, and returns the sampled color.
Texture 3D Object Parameter
Exposes a 3d texture object parameter on the material. This value can be modified through the Inspector panel or by script at runtime.
Texture 3D Parameter
Adds a 3D texture object parameter to the material, and returns the sampled color.
Texture Cube Object Parameter
Exposes a texture cube parameter on the material.
Texture Cube Parameter
Adds a texture cube parameter on the material and returns the sampled color at the given a 3D direction vector
Triplanar UV Coord
Returns the projected UV coordinate when used with Loop ( Triplanar UV ).
Vertex ID
Outputs the vertex index of the surface.
View Vector
Direction vector from the surface position to the camera.