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Version: 5.x
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Head 3D Objects

The Head 3D Objects asset shows you how to attach 3D objects to a head or multiple heads. For multiple heads, the 3D object for each head can be the same or different.


Adding the Head Object

Find the Head 3D Objects asset in the Asset Library and import it into your project. Click here to learn more about how to use assets from the Asset Library.

Once you import the asset from Asset Library, you can find the package in the Asset Browser.

Follow the instructions and drag the prefab Head 3D Objects into Scene Hierarchy under the main camera to create a new Scene Object.

You can right-click and select Unpack for Editing from the drop-down menu to unpack all assets stored in the bundle. Click here to learn more about Asset Packages. Once you unpack the package, you can then edit its content.

Exporting 3D Content

The Head 3D Objects asset assumes that you have a 3D object which you'll be importing into Lens Studio. To make your 3D object ready for import into Lens Studio, follow the 3D Object Export guide.

Importing 3D Content

Once your 3D object is exported, follow the 3D Object Import guide to import your 3D object into Lens Studio.

After importing, the 3D object will be automatically included in the Scene Hierarchy panel and should also be visible in the Scene panel. Drag your newly imported object to be a child of the HeadObjectContainer scene object found under First Head. This will attach the object to the first head found in the camera. You can now delete the asset's placeholder content labeled with [REPLACE_ME].

Tuning the Object's Transform

In the Scene panel, you can position, scale, rotate the world object relative to the head. In the Lens, the head object will automatically be locked to the head as shown in the Preview Panel.

Adding a Second Head Object

To add 3D objects to the second head, repeat the same process as above, but place it under the FaceObjectContainer below the Second Head. The Lens will automatically show and hide the object as needed depending on the number of heads visible.

Previewing Your Lens

You're now ready to preview your Face Lens experience. To preview your Lens in Snapchat, follow the Pairing to Snapchat guide.

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