constructorFloat value in range [0.0..1.0] used in depth buffer clear operation in "CustomValue" mode. The initial value is 1.0.
Unsigned int value in range [0..0xFF] used in stencil buffer clear operation in "CustomValue" mode. The initial value is 0.
Depth buffer clear option. "None" - depth buffer clear operation will be skipped. "CustomValue" - depth buffer will be cleared by "clearDepthValue" property value. "CustomTexture" - depth buffer will be cleared by texture from "inputTexture" property, if "inputTexture" is null then depth clear option will fallback to "CustomValue" mode.
Texture with Depth24_Stencil8 format. Depth24 part used in depth clear operation in "CustomTexture" mode.
Texture with Depth24_Stencil8 format. Stencil8 part used in stencil clear operation in "CustomTexture" mode.
Custom render target resolution, this property will use if the "outputResolution" property is a "Custom".
Stencil buffer clear option. "None" - stencil buffer clear operation will be skipped. "CustomValue" - stencil buffer will be cleared by "clearStencilValue" property value. "CustomTexture" - stencil buffer will be cleared by texture from "maskTexture" property, if "maskTexture" is null then the stencil clear option will fallback to "CustomValue" mode.
Returns the texture's aspect ratio, which is calculated as width / height.
Returns the height of the texture in pixels.
Returns the name of this object's type.
Returns the width of the texture in pixels.
Returns true if the object matches or derives from the passed in type.
Returns true if this object is the same as other
. Useful for checking if two references point to the same thing.
Access to a Depth Stencil Render Target that can output depth and stencil values from a Camera in Depth24/Stencil8 format.