Enumeration GeoLocationAccuracy

Enumeration of supported GPS location accuracy.

Spectacles: Enumeration of supported GPS location accuracy/settings for Spectacles. Location will be provided by several location sources and/or providers, each accuracy mode will provide a different configuration regarding update frequency and accuracy.

Enumeration Members

Enumeration Members

High: number

Best possible accuracy without navigation requirement. Generally accurate up to 5 meters.

Spectacles : Good accuracy without navigation requirement. Generally accurate up to 30 meters depending on the environment (rural/urban). Use for use cases where navigation is not a requirement and lower waiting times are expected. Location updates provided once per second under good conditions, otherwise one location every 10 seconds.

Low: number

Generally accurate up to 100 meters. The most power efficient option.

Spectacles: Generally accurate up to 100 meters depending on the environment (rural/urban). One location update is provided every 30 seconds. The most power efficient option.

Medium: number

Generally accurate up to 10 meters. Power efficient option.

Spectacles: Generally accurate up to 30 meters depending on the environment (rural/urban). One location update is provided every 15 seconds. Power efficient option.

Navigation: number

Used for guiding the user. Generally accurate up to 5 meters.

Spectacles : Used for guiding the user in navigation use cases. Accuracy is dependent on the environment (rural / urban) but generally accurate up to 20 meters. This configuration enables locations with location type 'FUSED_LOCATION' which is available at rendering rate frequency when reception is good. Otherwise, location updates are provided every 10 seconds.