This provider is returned by global.touchSystem and allows your lens to handle any touches on the screen, and optionally let certain touch types to pass through (let Snapchat handle the touch).

Possible TouchType exception values:

"TouchTypeNone" "TouchTypeTouch" "TouchTypeTap" "TouchTypeDoubleTap" "TouchTypeScale" "TouchTypePan" "TouchTypeSwipe"

// Enable full screen touches
global.touchSystem.touchBlocking = true;

// Allow double-tap to be passed through to Snapchat to flip the camera.
global.touchSystem.enableTouchBlockingException("TouchTypeDoubleTap", true);

// Or alternatively enable "TouchTypeDoubleTap" using mask
var mask = global.touchSystem.touchBlockingExceptionMask;
mask = global.touchSystem.composeTouchBlockingExceptionMask(mask, "TouchTypeDoubleTap");
global.touchSystem.touchBlockingExceptionMask = mask;

Hierarchy (View Summary, Expand)



touchBlocking: boolean

Set your lens to handle touches on the screen, preventing default Snapchat touch behavior from occuring. Useful for enabling full screen touches without any touch components. It is similar to creating a plane the size of the screen in front of the camera.

touchBlockingExceptionMask: number

The current touch mask.


  • Returns a copy of currentMask with the newException flag set to true.


    • currentMask: number
    • newException: string

    Returns number

  • Allow or stop allowing a certain TouchType to pass through your lens. Useful for allowing Snapchat to handle certain TouchType, e.g. allowing TouchTypeDoubleTap to flip the camera.


    • exception: string
    • enable: boolean

    Returns void

  • Returns true if the object matches or derives from the passed in type.


    • type: string

    Returns boolean

  • Returns true if this object is the same as other. Useful for checking if two references point to the same thing.


    Returns boolean