The settings used for how the input keyboard should work.

var options = new TextInputSystem.KeyboardOptions();
options.enablePreview = false;
options.keyboardType = TextInputSystem.KeyboardType.Text;
options.returnKeyType = TextInputSystem.ReturnKeyType.Done;

// Maintain the state of the keyboard
options.onTextChanged = function(text, range) {
currText = text;

// When the keyboard returns, print the current text
options.onKeyboardStateChanged = function(isOpen) {
if (!isOpen) {




enablePreview: boolean

Sets whether a preview should be visible above the input keyboard.

initialSelectedRange: vec2

Initial selected text range to set on the inivisible text view.

initialText: string

Initial text to fill into the invisible text view.

keyboardType: KeyboardType

Requested keyboard type.

onError: (error: number, description: string) => void

Callback to be invoked when there is an error.

onKeyboardStateChanged: (keyboardIsOpen: boolean) => void

Callback to be invoked when keyboard is shown or dismissed.

onReturnKeyPressed: () => void

Callback to be invoked when the user presses the return key.

onTextChanged: (text: string, range: vec2) => void

Callback to be invoked every time the user presses a (non-return) key.

returnKeyType: ReturnKeyType

Requested return key type.