currentThe current LyricsLine for the tracked music. Returns null
if no line is currently playing, or lyrics are not available.
fullThe full Lyrics for the tracked music. Useful for pre-processing the lyrics of a track ahead of time.
isReturns true if the tracked audio is playing.
nextThe next LyricsLine for the tracked music. Returns null
if no next line is present, or lyrics data is not available.
onEvent that triggers when a LyricsLine has ended.
onEvent that triggers when a LyricsLine has started. Note that if playback begins partway through a line, this event will immediately fire.
onEvent that triggers when lyrics data becomes available for the tracked music. Note that when lyrics are not available for the selected music track, this event will never trigger.
onEvent that fires when lyrics data is cleared. This usually indicates that the tracked music has either been removed or changed. It's good practice to clear any lyrics visuals when this event fires.
onEvent that triggers when playback has been reset on the tracked music. It's good practice to clear any lyrics visuals when this event fires.
onEvent that triggers when playback has started on the tracked music.
onEvent that triggers when a LyricsSync has ended.
onEvent that triggers when a LyricsSync has started. Note that if playback begins partway through a LyricsSync, this event will immediately fire.
playbackCurrent playback position (in seconds) of the tracked music.
This can be used to compare playback position to the offset and offsetEnd properties on LyricsLine objects. It can also be used with offsets on LyricsSync objects, after adjusting their offsets by the offset
of the LyricsLine they belong to.
Returns the name of this object's type.
Returns true if the object matches or derives from the passed in type.
Returns true if this object is the same as other
. Useful for checking if two references point to the same thing.
Provides information about lyrics data for a currently playing track. Can be accessed through getLyricsTracker() on ExternalMusicModule.
Note that lyrics data may not be available immediately when this class is accessed. Subscribe to onLyricsAvailable to be notified when lyrics data becomes available.
Also note that some music tracks may not support lyrics. In this case, onLyricsAvailable will not be triggered.