Below is a list of all the classes that is a subclass of Asset.
Asset | Description |
AnimationAsset | Represents animation data. Can have multiple AnimationPropertyLayers. Used in AnimationClip. |
AnimationCurveTrack | Container for one or more AnimationCurves. Can be sampled to drive attributes (e.g. animation, vfx, code etc.) |
AnimationTrack | Represents the base class for animation tracks. |
AudioEffectAsset | Configures an audio effect for AudioEffectComponent. |
AudioTrackAsset | Represents an audio file asset. |
BinAsset | A file based asset. |
BitmojiModule | Provides access to functionalities related to Bitmoji avatar. |
BodyTrackingAsset | Configures 3D Body Tracking for the ObjectTracking3D component. |
CameraModule | Provides access to a specific camera on Spectacles device. |
CloudStorageModule | Provides access to Cloud Storage capabilities. |
CollisionMesh | Defines the physical boundaries of an object for collision detection. |
ConnectedLensModule | Enables the creation and management of networked Lens experiences, allowing for real-time communication and interaction between users through Connected Lenses. |
DeformingCollisionMesh | Used for collision meshes that can change shape or form dynamically. |
DeviceTrackingModule | The module that allows Device Tracking capabilities in a Lens. Used for managing permissions. |
DialogModule | Provides access to Question Answering Service powered by VoiceML. |
ExternalMusicModule | Provides an interface to the ExternalMusic feature, and opts the Lens into using the feature when present in the scene. |
FixedCollisionMesh | Used for collision meshes that remain static and do not change their shape over time. |
Font | A font asset used for rendering text. |
GaussianSplattingAsset | Asset that contains Gaussian Splats. Used with GaussianSplattingVisual. |
GestureModule | Allows to detect hand gestures using machine learning algorithms. |
GltfAsset | Represents a GLTF 3D Model. |
HairDataAsset | Hair asset converted from an FBX containing splines to be used with HairVisual. |
HandTracking3DAsset | Enables Hand Tracking 3D for the ObjectTracking3D component. |
LeaderboardModule | Enables usage of Leaderboard API within a Lens. |
LevelsetColliderAsset | Collider asset generated from a mesh to be used with the HairVisual as part of the hair simulation. |
LicensedAudioTrackAsset | Represents an audio file asset. |
LocalizationsAsset | Asset that provides the necessary localized text for your Lens. |
LocationAsset | Provides a frame of reference in which to localize objects to the real world. Use with LocatedAtComponent. |
LocationCloudStorageModule | Provides access to location cloud storage depending upon the LocationCloudStorageOptions. |
MLAsset | Represents a machine learning model that can be integrated with an MLComponent. |
MapModule | Allows access to map texture data around a specified location. |
MarkerAsset | Represents a texture to be tracked with MarkerTrackingComponent. |
Material | An asset that describes how visual objects should appear. |
Matter | Settings for the physical substance, such as friction and bounciness, of a collider. If unset, uses the default matter from the world settings. |
MotionControllerModule | Provides access to MotionController. |
Object3DAsset | Base class for configuring object tracking in the ObjectTracking3D component. |
ObjectPrefab | Represents reusable SceneObject hierarchy stored as a resource. |
ProcessedLocationModule | Declares the precise location tracking permission for your Lens project. |
RawLocationModule | Declares the coarse location tracking permission for your Lens project. |
RemoteMediaModule | Allows the Lens to download and integrate remote media content such as 3D GLTF assets, images, audio tracks, and video textures into Lenses. |
RemoteReferenceAsset | Provides a reference to a remote asset (i.e. assets outside of the Lens size limit) that can be downloaded at runtime using script. |
RemoteServiceModule | Provides access to the remote services. For Spectacles, this module process access to the open internet. |
RenderMesh | Represents a mesh asset. |
ScanModule | Provides access to a Scan system that allows users to scan objects, places, and cars with a database of item labels within a Lens. |
ScriptAsset | Represents a JavaScript or TypeScript script that can be used to add logic in your Lens. |
SegmentationModel | Segmentation model used for SegmentationTextureProvider. |
ShoppingModule | Allows the creation of Shopping Lenses with an integrated Product Catalog. |
TextInputModule | Declares the Input Framework (Text) permission for your Lens project. |
TextToSpeechModule | Allows generation of audio from a given text with a variety of options. |
Texture | Represents a texture file asset. |
UpperBodyTrackingAsset | Configures 3D Upper Body Tracking for the ObjectTracking3D component. |
VFXAsset | Defines a VFX to use with VFXComponent. |
VoiceMLModule | Allows the Lens to incorporate transcription, keyword detection, voice command detection and other NLP based features into Lenses. |
WorldQueryModule | Provides access to various APIs which can perform hit test for real surfaces to sample the depth and normal at a certain location. |
Physics.WorldSettingsAsset | Stores reusable settings for a Physics WorldComponent such as gravity magnitude and direction. |
WorldUnderstandingModule | Declares permissions for your Lens project. |