Assets List

Below is a list of all the classes that is a subclass of Asset.

Asset Description
AnimationAsset Represents animation data. Can have multiple AnimationPropertyLayers. Used in AnimationClip.
AnimationCurveTrack Container for one or more AnimationCurves. Can be sampled to drive attributes (e.g. animation, vfx, code etc.)
AnimationTrack Represents the base class for animation tracks.
AudioEffectAsset Configures an audio effect for AudioEffectComponent.
AudioTrackAsset Represents an audio file asset.
BinAsset A file based asset.
BitmojiModule Provides access to functionalities related to Bitmoji avatar.
BodyTrackingAsset Configures 3D Body Tracking for the ObjectTracking3D component.
CameraModule Provides access to a specific camera on Spectacles device.
CloudStorageModule Provides access to Cloud Storage capabilities.
CollisionMesh Defines the physical boundaries of an object for collision detection.
ConnectedLensModule Enables the creation and management of networked Lens experiences, allowing for real-time communication and interaction between users through Connected Lenses.
DeformingCollisionMesh Used for collision meshes that can change shape or form dynamically.
DeviceTrackingModule The module that allows Device Tracking capabilities in a Lens. Used for managing permissions.
DialogModule Provides access to Question Answering Service powered by VoiceML.
ExternalMusicModule Provides an interface to the ExternalMusic feature, and opts the Lens into using the feature when present in the scene.
FixedCollisionMesh Used for collision meshes that remain static and do not change their shape over time.
Font A font asset used for rendering text.
GaussianSplattingAsset Asset that contains Gaussian Splats. Used with GaussianSplattingVisual.
GestureModule Allows to detect hand gestures using machine learning algorithms.
GltfAsset Represents a GLTF 3D Model.
HairDataAsset Hair asset converted from an FBX containing splines to be used with HairVisual.
HandTracking3DAsset Enables Hand Tracking 3D for the ObjectTracking3D component.
LeaderboardModule Enables usage of Leaderboard API within a Lens.
LevelsetColliderAsset Collider asset generated from a mesh to be used with the HairVisual as part of the hair simulation.
LicensedAudioTrackAsset Represents an audio file asset.
LocalizationsAsset Asset that provides the necessary localized text for your Lens.
LocationAsset Provides a frame of reference in which to localize objects to the real world. Use with LocatedAtComponent.
LocationCloudStorageModule Provides access to location cloud storage depending upon the LocationCloudStorageOptions.
MLAsset Represents a machine learning model that can be integrated with an MLComponent.
MapModule Allows access to map texture data around a specified location.
MarkerAsset Represents a texture to be tracked with MarkerTrackingComponent.
Material An asset that describes how visual objects should appear.
Matter Settings for the physical substance, such as friction and bounciness, of a collider. If unset, uses the default matter from the world settings.
MotionControllerModule Provides access to MotionController.
Object3DAsset Base class for configuring object tracking in the ObjectTracking3D component.
ObjectPrefab Represents reusable SceneObject hierarchy stored as a resource.
ProcessedLocationModule Declares the precise location tracking permission for your Lens project.
RawLocationModule Declares the coarse location tracking permission for your Lens project.
RemoteMediaModule Allows the Lens to download and integrate remote media content such as 3D GLTF assets, images, audio tracks, and video textures into Lenses.
RemoteReferenceAsset Provides a reference to a remote asset (i.e. assets outside of the Lens size limit) that can be downloaded at runtime using script.
RemoteServiceModule Provides access to the remote services. For Spectacles, this module process access to the open internet.
RenderMesh Represents a mesh asset.
ScanModule Provides access to a Scan system that allows users to scan objects, places, and cars with a database of item labels within a Lens.
ScriptAsset Represents a JavaScript or TypeScript script that can be used to add logic in your Lens.
SegmentationModel Segmentation model used for SegmentationTextureProvider.
ShoppingModule Allows the creation of Shopping Lenses with an integrated Product Catalog.
TextInputModule Declares the Input Framework (Text) permission for your Lens project.
TextToSpeechModule Allows generation of audio from a given text with a variety of options.
Texture Represents a texture file asset.
UpperBodyTrackingAsset Configures 3D Upper Body Tracking for the ObjectTracking3D component.
VFXAsset Defines a VFX to use with VFXComponent.
VoiceMLModule Allows the Lens to incorporate transcription, keyword detection, voice command detection and other NLP based features into Lenses.
WorldQueryModule Provides access to various APIs which can perform hit test for real surfaces to sample the depth and normal at a certain location.
Physics.WorldSettingsAsset Stores reusable settings for a Physics WorldComponent such as gravity magnitude and direction.
WorldUnderstandingModule Declares permissions for your Lens project.