feedbacksReturns a PassWrapper containing all feedback passes in a VFX asset
When Mesh
is selected as a Geometry Type in the VFX Output Container, the system will render particles using this mesh, otherwise particles will be rendered as quads. Refer to the Custom Mesh Emitter built-in asset as a starting point when working with custom meshes.
The name of the Asset in Lens Studio.
outputsReturns a PassWrapper containing all output passes in a VFX asset
propertiesControls properties for the VFXAsset. Any scriptable properties on a VFX Graph will automatically become properties of this Properties class. For example, if the VFX Graph defines a variable named baseColor
, a script would be able to access that property as
simulationsReturns a PassWrapper containing all simulation passes in a VFX asset
uniqueClones the VFX asset and returns a copy.
Returns the name of this object's type.
Returns true if the object matches or derives from the passed in type.
Returns true if this object is the same as other
. Useful for checking if two references point to the same thing.
Defines a VFX to use with VFXComponent.
VFX guide.