Hand based poke target provider. Uses a sphere cast from index mid joint to index tip

Hierarchy (view full)



_currentInteractableHitInfo: InteractableHitInfo = null
camera: default = ...
config: PokeTargetProviderConfig
interactionManager: InteractionManager = ...
targetingMode: TargetingMode = TargetingMode.Poke


  • get drawDebug(): boolean
  • Returns boolean

  • set drawDebug(debug): void
  • Parameters

    • debug: boolean

    Returns void

  • get endPoint(): vec3
  • Returns vec3

    end position in world space

  • get startPoint(): vec3
  • Returns vec3

    origin position in world space


  • Set the _currentInteractableHitInfo to null, used when an Interactable is deleted from Lens Studio, to keep state in sync

    Returns void

  • Destroys the provider

    Returns void

  • Returns 0 | 1

  • Returns boolean

    whether the provider has found a target or not

  • Returns boolean

  • Returns boolean

    whether the target provider is triggering or not

  • Recomputes the target

    Returns void