constructorFloat value in range [0.0..1.0] used in depth buffer clear operation in "CustomValue" mode. The initial value is 1.0.
Unsigned int value in range [0..0xFF] used in stencil buffer clear operation in "CustomValue" mode. The initial value is 0.
The same as "depthClearOption" property of DepthStencilRenderTargetProvider. But if Camera's depth clear option property is set to "CustomValue" or "CustomTexture" then this has priority over depth/stencil provider settings.
Color texture used in clear color operation in "CustomTexture" mode.
Texture used like a color mask for target texture.
The same as "stencilClearOption" property of DepthStencilRenderTargetProvider. But if Camera's stencil clear option property is set to "CustomValue" or "CustomTexture" then this has priority over depth/stencil provider settings.
Render target texture. Camera will render scene color values to this texture.
Returns the name of this object's type.
Returns true if the object matches or derives from the passed in type.
Returns true if this object is the same as other
. Useful for checking if two references point to the same thing.
This class inherits from the BaseRenderTarget class. BaseRenderTarget class is not available for creation and is used like the base class for DepthStencilRenderTarget class to provide access to targetTexture, inputTexture and maskTexture properties.