Bounciness, or restitution, for dynamic bodies. This is the proportion of energy preserved after a collision, in the range 0 to 1. This defaults to 0.0. Dynamic bounciness should usually be less than 1.0, to prevent energy from accumulating excessively (there is a certain amount of energy gained due to collision response). The effective bounciness for a collision is the product of both colliding objects. So if your bounciness setting appears to have no effect, it probably means the object it's colliding with has 0 bounciness.
Coefficient of friction. The effective friction between two objects is the product of both objects' friction. So for example, the default between two objects is 0.5*0.5=0.25. Typical ranges are between 0 and 1, but larger values (up to 10) are allowed. This may be used to increase the effective friction when colliding against another object with low friction. This is a very simplified approximation of realistic friction, since it does not correctly take into account the combined surface characteristics of both objects. It also doesn't distinguish between static and dynamic friction.
The name of the Asset in Lens Studio.
Friction applied to rolling objects. This isn't physically realistic, but helps prevent objects from rolling indefinitely.
Friction applied to spinning objects. This isn't physically realistic, but helps prevent objects from spinning indefinitely.
Bounciness (AKA restitution), for static colliders. This is the proportion of energy preserved after a collision, in the range 0 to 1. This defaults to 1.0. Typically we use high bounciness for static colliders because they are unaffected by collision, and thus maximally preserve energy. The effective bounciness for a collision is the product of both colliding objects. So if your bounciness setting appears to have no effect, it probably means the object it's colliding with has 0 bounciness.
uniqueReturns the name of this object's type.
Returns true if the object matches or derives from the passed in type.
Returns true if this object is the same as other
. Useful for checking if two references point to the same thing.
Settings for the physical substance, such as friction and bounciness, of a collider. If unset, uses the default matter from the world settings.