Provides information about the current user's 3D Bitmoji avatar to be downloaded via the RemoteMediaModule.
// @input Asset.BitmojiModule bitmojiModule// @input Asset.RemoteMediaModule remoteMediaModule// @input Asset.Material pbrMaterialHolderscript.bitmojiModule.requestBitmoji3DResource( function (bitmoji3DResource) { script.remoteMediaModule.loadResourceAsGltfAsset( bitmoji3DResource, onDownloaded, onFail ) } )function onDownloaded (gltfAsset){ var root = scene.createSceneObject("BitmojiAvatar"); var gltfSettings = GltfSettings.create(); gltfSettings.convertMetersToCentimeters = true; var avatar = gltfAsset.tryInstantiateWithSetting(root, script.pbrMaterialHolder, gltfSettings);}function onFail (e){ print(e);} Copy
// @input Asset.BitmojiModule bitmojiModule// @input Asset.RemoteMediaModule remoteMediaModule// @input Asset.Material pbrMaterialHolderscript.bitmojiModule.requestBitmoji3DResource( function (bitmoji3DResource) { script.remoteMediaModule.loadResourceAsGltfAsset( bitmoji3DResource, onDownloaded, onFail ) } )function onDownloaded (gltfAsset){ var root = scene.createSceneObject("BitmojiAvatar"); var gltfSettings = GltfSettings.create(); gltfSettings.convertMetersToCentimeters = true; var avatar = gltfAsset.tryInstantiateWithSetting(root, script.pbrMaterialHolder, gltfSettings);}function onFail (e){ print(e);}
Returns the name of this object's type.
Returns true if the object matches or derives from the passed in type.
Returns true if this object is the same as other. Useful for checking if two references point to the same thing.
Provides information about the current user's 3D Bitmoji avatar to be downloaded via the RemoteMediaModule.