OneEuroFilter for vec3 It extends the OneEuroFilterBase class.


  • OneEuroFilterBase
    • OneEuroFilterVec3



beta: number
dcutoff: number
dx: LowPassFilter
dy: LowPassFilter
dz: LowPassFilter
frequency: number
lastcutoff: number
lasttime: number
minCutoff: number
speed: LowPassFilter
x: LowPassFilter
y: LowPassFilter
z: LowPassFilter


  • Calculates the alpha value used for smoothing in the filter, based on a cutoff frequency.


    • cutoff: number

      The cutoff frequency at which the filter should attenuate the signal.

    Returns number

    The calculated alpha value for the filter.

  • Applies the filter to the given value using the current filter configuration and updates the internal state.


    • value: vec3

      The new value to be filtered.

    • timestamp: number

      The timestamp associated with the value, used to calculate the dynamic parameters of the filter.

    Returns vec3

    The final filtered value

  • Resets the filter to its initial state. This method is typically called to prepare the filter for a new set of data or to clear any existing state.

    Returns void